Gillian Davis
1 min readAug 20, 2017

Our weekly OverTime newsletter brings leadership tips to your inbox:


We appreciate that there is A LOT of content on the subject of ‘leadership’ throughout the world wide web. We feel you. We don’t want to add to the noise but we do want to source and highlight which ones are most relevant and why. Which is why our newsletter is;

Practical: We want you to be able to use what we share.

Motivational: Enough to make you want to take action and change.

Relevant: We aim at finding content that is relatable to the now.

What to Expect:

Each of us digest content differently which is why every in every newsletter we share;

Read: Articles and books to read and mull over.

Watch: Talks and speeches that are engaging and interesting.

Listen: A podcast or audio to have on in the background.

Try: A tool or trick you could implement immediately.

Take a look at our previous editions.

Gillian Davis

Founder @OverTimeLeader — helping leaders navigate the uncertainty of working in tech | Author: First Time Leader: |