The Tragedy of Tresdin

A meme-heavy Legion Commander guide that will probably get you reported

5 min readMar 1, 2017


Hi, I’m Cocopower9, and I’m Yolksoup. Not too long ago we were both O MMR scrubs. Yeah we were absolute trash. But we all gotta start somewhere right?

Anyway, we’ve spent the last few years grinding out games and experimenting with different builds, all so now you lazy turds can enjoy the fruits of our labor. Over the coming weeks and months, we’re going to share with you our thoughts on the current meta builds, along with some of our attempts at new builds looking to exploit the latest changes in the most recent patches. Bare in mind, this is the best build in 2017, and you’ll get all the commends you want. …or end up getting reported for being an idiot. So with that in mind, let’s dive right into Yolk’s latest abomination, Jungle Support Legion Commander. I CAN FEEL THE POWER

The Story

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Tresdin The Jungler? No, I have not. I thought not. It’s not a story the Professionals would tell you. It’s a 1k legend. Tresdin was a jungle support, so powerful and so supportive she could use the Mekansim to win team fights and push down towers… She had such a power from the Mekansim that she could even keep the ones she cared about from dying. Press the Attack is a solution to many debuffs some consider to be unnatural. She became so powerful seems like a 6k smurf, the only thing she was afraid of was being reported, which eventually, of course, she did. I mean everyone has a bad game. Unfortunately, she taught this to everyone she knew, then her teammate reported her after the game. Ironic. She could save others from Low Priority, but not herself.

The Theory

Post 7.00, Legion Commander (LC) is an unreliable carry, often struggling to compete in the laning phase and not scaling fast enough to snowball. Moment of Courage is one of the best jungle farming abilities in the game, but the typical target of a 7-minute blink dagger doesn’t really help the team when it’s purchased by LC. So how do we use this incredible jungle farming potential to actually benefit the team? What if we tried LC in a utility support role? You’re an idiot. Hear me out. It’s a 100% greed play style, but with LC’s farming potential you can theoretically have a 7-minute Mekansm and start forcing fights and pushing towers. But wait a minute I thought the idea of the blink was to be able to initiate on high priority targets to single them out in team fights. In a way, mek would be less effective seeing as it only provides a heal and bonus armor.

The Build

First off, you’re a utility support, so buy the courier. But let your other support buy the wards. You’re going to start with an Iron Talon and hold on to the rest of your gold. From there you build Quelling Blade > Headdress > Mekansm > Urn of Shadows > Arcane Boots > Guardian Grieves > Force Staff. I’d personally recommend the urn before the mek because it also give heals after and during team fights but also can deal damage to opponents and to top it off it gives you the mana regen to spam all your spells as well as bonus strength. I swear YOLK you can make no sense sometimes.This is the core of your build, some good situational items might include Vladmir’s Offering, Helm of the Dominator, Crimson Guard, Drum of Endurance, or everyone’s favorite Aghanim’s Scepter. Wait a minute where on earth is your mana coming from.

You’re ability priority should be Duel > Moment of Courage > Press the Attack > Overwhelming Odds.

You’re skill tree priority should be +7 strength (or 20% XP gain if you are behind), +20 movement speed, +7 armor (unless the other team is mostly magic damage), +25 Cooldown reduction.

How to play

Jungle hard for 7 straight minutes! Iron Tallon and Quelling Blade stack giving you +48 damage, for a total of ~110 damage while you are jungling. After 7 minutes you should be able to buy your Mekansm and start wreaking havoc with your team. Dual high priority targets that you want to focus or disable. If you somehow win the duel, great +10 damage to help you farm faster. Otherwise, no worries, you’ve disabled one of their damage dealers for 4+ seconds. Plenty of time for you team to pick apart your opposition.

Keep in mind, Mekansm has a high mana cost so you can only pop it (alone) twice at level 7 before needing a fountain. Or of course, you can get 2 clarities which are a cheap substitute without committing to any items.

I chose to go with a Force Staff, rather than a selfish blink dagger, for more intelligence and for the additional team utility.


If you’re willing to sacrifice your MMR for the memes, this build is for you! In all seriousness though, the big issue with this is that you’re playing a “utility support” but not actually supporting anyone for the first 7 minutes. But if somehow your carries manage to do alright without your support, then there is an ever so slight chance this build might actually work. That’s a massive if though. A good example is I would be surprised if you don’t even have another support to get any wards and such. Yeah, but by allowing a 1–1–1–2 lane setup, the rest of your team can level faster and should all be able to hit power spikes before your opponents.

Reviews on this guide

“Fucking, go to the corner and think about what you have done! Then go kill yourself!”- RF.RocknRolles, Best LC and Leader I have ever seen. 0/10

“Ugh, Mr. Moi, this isn’t gonna work, LC doesn’t have the mana pool” — sKaiHighGaming before support LC gets Rampage (Waiting for score)

“Dude, this doesn’t work because you have to go full on greed, only works in 1k, reported”- mlyn148, BSJ fanboy. 2/10

“Actually, holy shit, this build, SO MUCH MEMEEEESSSS”- Thanatos, +6 treants’ leader. (5/7)

“Enigma is better”- 4k mmr that thinks he’s better than me

What is 1v1SoloMid?

1v1sm is a community-driven effort to share builds and memes with the wider Dota 2 community. If you would like to contribute, or just join in the fun, hit us up on the Discord server.

