Top 8 Teams Confirmed For BITS

BIG changes to the top eight after the completion of People’s Choice Qualifier review

5 min readNov 2, 2017


As we wrap up the People’s Choice Qualifiers (PCQ) review week, for BITS Americas, today we will be announcing the final 8 teams, their seeding and more findings. FirstBlood will continue its strong stance against any form of cheating while championing for integrity in esports. After finding one infamous Peruvian team to be ineligible earlier in the week, we have now found several teams whose People’s Choice voting campaigns were filled with invalid votes. We hope you are ready, we just shook up the Final 8 Teams for BITS Americas!

What does this mean?

For the last few days, the FirstBlood team has been thoroughly reviewing the voting campaigns for each of the teams in contention for a top eight spot in the People’s Choice Qualifier for BITS Americas 2017. We wanted to ensure that each team participating was legitimately voted in by their fans and again, did not cheat with invalid votes. The FirstBlood team went through every team’s campaigns, reviewed each entry, and invalidated all invalid votes per team. Following the tallying of invalid votes per team, we proceeded to deduct invalid votes from each team’s total vote count.

And The Results Are In! The Final 8 has changed, once again!

Extreme Gaming, 6th position at the close of the PCQ with a total of 131,100 votes, racked up a whopping 118,600 invalid votes, bringing their total down to 12,500 total votes and moving them well outside of the top eight.

Sage Network, 9th position and bound to take the next open slot, at the close of the PCQ with a total 114,775 votes. We found of their total votes, 62,225 were invalid votes, bringing their total down to 52,550 votes. Because of this, their team was held just out of reach for the top 8 teams!

Extreme Gaming was the only team to be removed from the current Top 8, and a chance at a BITS Title after our thorough review process. However, to ensure transparency for every team competing, below you will see the final 8 team’s, their total invalid vote count, their total vote count and their final seeding!

Mind’s Eye, 3rd at the close of the PCQ with a total of 133,975 votes, ran a tally of 75,475 invalid votes, bringing their total down to 58,500 and an 8th place slot.

Blue Pikachu, 11th at the close of the PCQ with a total of 78,525 votes, had only 4,200 invalid votes, bringing their total down to 58,500, launching them into 7th place and earning them a seed in the main event.

Sacred, 8th position at the close of the PCQ with a total of 127,850 votes, registered 29,375 invalid votes, dropping their total to 98,475 and a 6th place slot.

Elite Wolves, 10th position at the close of the PCQ with a total of 105,150 votes, rang up just 5,075 invalid votes, dropping their total to 100,075, rocketing them into the 5th seed for the main event of BITS.

Luccini, 7th position at the close of the PCQ with a total of 130,875 votes, totalled 14,725 invalid votes, reducing their total to 116,150, which was enough to claim the 4th seed for the main event!

G-Pride, sat in 3rd at the close of the PCQ and will hold on to that seed after recording 149,225 votes, with 22,250 invalid votes, and a final tally of 126,975.

Leviathan, 5th at the close of the PCQ, were the only team with no obvious invalid votes detected and will claim the number 2 seed in the main event after rallying their fans for a whopping 131,375 votes.

CES, surged to 2nd place in the PCQ, raising eyebrows and suspicions early. We are happy to say of their 171,575 votes, only 10,000 were clearly invalid leaving them with a total of 161,575 votes and claim of the number 1 seed for BITS Americas 2017.

It is important to note that it was impossible for us to determine who created the invalid votes, so we are not accusing any of the affected teams of any wrongdoing. We are simply correcting vote counts.

Wrapping Up People’s Choice Qualifiers for BITS Americas

First and foremost, we want to thank each and every fan who came out to support their teams. With over 14,000 actions taken by fans in support of their team, we were blown away by the outcome. Without you, the fan, your team would not have this opportunity.

We want to also take this time to thank every team that participated in the PCQ process. Over 56+ teams registered for their chance at the BITS Americas title and prize pool! With teams registering days prior to the end, trying their hardest to grasp the top 8 spot!

Even though not every fan’s team may have qualified for BITS Americas, we want to ensure that every team had fair opportunity during this process. We strongly believe that because of review week we were able to ensure complete fairness between all teams, too. With some teams being removed due to ineligibility, FirstBlood will continue our strong stance against any form of cheating while championing esports integrity.

With that, BITS America’s People’s Choice Qualifiers ended up being like nothing seen before. Bringing thousands of fans to come out and actively support their favorite teams! With dozens of teams rallying their current supporters, while potentially finding new ones!

And with People’s Choice Qualifiers being this loud and intense, we can not wait to get BITS Americas started with the reason we are all here.

Competitive Dota 2.

Stay Tuned!

The FirstBlood Team

Ps. How about that new patch! Kunka meta?

Want to Stay Up to Date?

All of the games will be broadcast live on our from November 7th to November 12th.

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