A History of Wendy’s Day

Amanda Reed
Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2023

Before realizing big dreams, building transformative products, and growing global teams, FiscalNote’s founding trio (Tim Hwang, Gerald Yao, and Jonathan Chen) sat down to craft the company’s seven core values.

This early and fervent commitment to people, culture, and a values-driven business is also reflected in the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts.

Upon establishing CSR and volunteerism functions during FiscalNote’s infancy, Chief Strategy Officer Gerald Yao underscored the critical importance of helping global team members find purpose and meaning in their work.

“The purest reason to pursue CSR practices within FiscalNote is to create meaningful social impact, both in the tech space and the communities in which we work and live.”

Service and social responsibility are not rigidly assigned to one department; rather, they are coordinated and integrated throughout the organization to better foster inclusion and alignment. A multi-faceted CSR effort is a way of doing business ethically and philanthropically, rather than simply installing a program.

The strategy department served as CSR’s first incubator. Early acts of volunteerism included a few dozen team members picking up shifts at local food banks, or placing cardboard boxes in office reception areas to collect goods for people experiencing food insecurity and displacement.

Teammates anchored in Austin, Texas, kicked off Wendy’s Day 2022 with a group volunteer shift at a 51-acre community that provides affordable housing and support for people transitioning from experiencing homelessness.

Presently, as our global company celebrates its tenth year, we’ve piloted a charitable giving committee and an employee volunteer match program; we’ve built and maintained fruitful community partnerships within the tech space and beyond; and we annually host Wendy’s Day: FiscalNote’s global day of service.

Wendy’s Day is named in memory of Wendy K. Martinez, FiscalNote’s former chief of staff.

A proponent of female entrepreneurship and empowerment, Wendy was the victim of a senseless and random act of violence while jogging in Washington, D.C., and passed away on September 18, 2018.

The bright light she emanated, however, is far from extinguished — and lives on in each of us in the work we do and the passion and commitment we show our customers and each other.

Wendy believed in the unlimited possibilities which can be achieved when women and girls are both represented and empowered at the intersection of community and technology.

On top of the myriad service acts and projects she contributed to in her personal life, Wendy energetically participated in FiscalNote’s annual day of service.

Impact Day 2018: Wendy volunteered at DC Central Kitchen alongside fellow FiscalNoters. / Photo By FiscalNote Staff

In 2019, we renamed the annual day of service to “Wendy’s Day.” Every August since FiscalNote has paused to honor its ongoing commitment to service — and our dear friend and colleague Wendy — by performing acts of volunteerism and kindness virtually and in person.

Wendy’s family and friends established The Wendy Martinez Legacy Project in the wake of this tragedy. Its mission is to provide strategic grants and support projects which encourage women’s empowerment through running, technology, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

Last year, in partnership with Girls in Technology (GIT), Women in Technology (WIT), and The Wendy Martinez Legacy Project, FiscalNote launched a coding scholarship in Wendy’s memory.

In March 2023, Wendy’s brother introduced her legacy, as well as the Wendy K. Martinez Memorial Coding Scholarship, to a new generation of Girls in Technology (GIT) — a FiscalNote community partner — at our Washington, D.C. headquarters.

Join Us

We invite our global team members, supporters, customers, community partners, and alum to join us on Friday, August 18, 2023, in performing acts of service and kindness in celebration of Wendy’s life and legacy.

How You Can Help: Examples & Inspiration

  • Contribute to your favorite charity, or a cause Wendy championed (examples: Latinas in Tech, Girls on the Run)
  • Spread the word about Wendy’s coding scholarship, established by FiscalNote in 2022 for qualifying and female-identifying Washington, D.C. residents in high school in pursuit of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) coding camp education and experiences
  • Donate clothes, furniture, or home supplies
  • Deliver a food donation to your area food bank
  • Sign up for a virtual service project, like Foster Love or Loose Ends
  • Contribute to a homemade meal delivery service, like Lasagna Love
  • Pick up trash outdoors
  • Help remove invasive plants at a park you frequent
  • Call or write a note to a loved one
  • Deliver books to an area Little Free Library
  • #RunForWendy: Join Wendy’s team for the 2023 Back on My Feet festival, which aims to combat people experiencing homelessness through the power of running, community support, and essential employment
  • Socialize how you choose to honor and celebrate #WendysDay2023 — it may inspire others to perform acts of service and kindness, too



Amanda Reed

Director, CSR & Corporate Communications | @fiscalnote