Partner Profile: MDPI Indonesia

Independent foundation focused on achieving responsible and sustainable fisheries

Alistair Douglas
3 min readApr 30, 2018


The importance of team work — photo Indah Rufiati/MDPI.

Given our task ahead, and the important role that Human Centered Design will play, it could be argued that on the ground organisations like MDPI, that are at the coal face with fishers and fish farmers, are and will be the most important partners we have and need to form going forward. Immersed in the community and the problem, it is these types organisations that have the cultural connections and work closely with the very people we are looking to connect to, to trace back to, and to serve.

So who are MDPI?

MDPI was founded in July 2013 as an independent foundation focused on achieving responsible and sustainable fisheries activities and attempting to provide on-going care for the conservation of fisheries resources and ecosystems of Indonesia and the region.

Small-scale artisanal fisheries are the main focus of MDPI’s work, and they support the development of the fishing communities and supply chains of these fisheries through programs that support economic improvements and social stability for the people. These activities are conducted within the supply chain of varied seafood products by supporting industry to ‘do the right thing’ regarding sustainability, social aspects and other market- driven demands.

An important aspect of MDPI’s work is building networks and partnerships with various organisations, such as national and international universities, district, central and provincial governments, development agencies, NGOs, nationally- and internationally-based industry and others.

People and planet — photo Indah Rufiati/MDPI.

Why are they a Fishcoin partner?

Fisheries Improvement is at the core of MDPI’s work and the driver behind all their other programs and departments such as the Supply Chain Department. Both of these programs require data and the tools to get it, and together with various partners MDPI have been developing technologies to help collect data from fishers and processors within seafood supply chains. The Fishcoin team and MDPI will be looking at ways to incentivise the capture of data from the fishermen, the first receivers, processors, and other actors directly and indirectly part of seafood supply chains.

Interested in becoming a Fishcoin partner?

Companies and organisations throughout the seafood industry are signing up almost daily to be rollout partners in the Fishcoin ecosystem. If you would like to know more about joining our community of partners please read through our white paper, and contact our team.

Please note the views expressed by the author may not necessarily represent the views of the Eachmile and Fishcoin teams or their partners.



Alistair Douglas

Founding partner @Eachmile and @Fishcoin. Passionate about applying technology to the seafood industry to help make it more sustainable and profitable.