Partner Profile: Seafood Analytics

A unique and innovative sensor provider that is generating objective measurements for validating the freshness and condition of seafood at each point in supply chains.

Jayson Berryhill
3 min readMar 29, 2018


An Alaskan processor taking readings from salmon just off the boat using a Seafood Analytics CQR device. Photo by… me.

At Eachmile we often compare the seafood industry as it exists today with the movie Moneyball. There is a tendency to maintain the status quo whereby decisions are made using intuition and gut feelings rather than objective data. Like the baseball scouts in Moneyball, even if decisions are guided by decades of experience they tend to also be subject to biases and therefore fail to measure up to objective data that blindly validate, or invalidate, quality. Moreover, individual intuition, even when guided by experience, doesn’t scale well and therefore at best we end up with pockets of good decision making in an ocean of ‘imperfect understanding’ throughout the industry. In order to truly transform the seafood industry, decision making needs to be guided by data. This is why Seafood Analytics exists.

For years Eachmile’s CEO, Alistair Douglas, has been talking about the benefits of Seafood Analytics’ CQR device for identifying unseen freshness and quality in a way that can be coordinated through supply chains to not only validate quality, but also to identify areas for improvement in the supply chain (or cold chain) itself.

Who is Seafood Analytics (from their website)?

Millions of dollars are spent every year in the name of quality assurance. Throughout the seafood industry, people make crucial buying, sorting, processing, inventory and even marketing and sales decisions using subjective product assessment methods like touch, appearance and odor. With the CQR you can instantly see an objective measurement of your seafood quality. Then use our cloud-based data analysis suite to identify profit saving opportunities. And as a participant in our certification program, you’ll be able to mark your product as “Certified Quality Seafood” to put your buyers at ease.

Seafood Analytics’ CQR device

The CQR is the first scientifically proven method for measuring the freshness of a product in the real-world conditions on trawlers, tenders, processing facilities, loading docks, retail centers and professional kitchens. Every professional in the seafood supply chain can benefit from using the CQR and our certification program to determine quality on delivery, improve their inventory management and quality controls, and use the Certified Quality seal to signal the value of their product to their buyers. When you know what the CQR knows, there’s no need for guesswork or estimation.

Why are they a Fishcoin partner?

Just like in Moneyball where Billy Bean wanted to not only win, but fundamentally change the game of baseball, the coalition of Fishcoin partners want to see this data ecosystem transform the seafood industry for good. Seafood Analytics is a perfect compliment to Fishcoin insofar as it adds more data and better data into the ecosystem. Likewise, Fishcoin compliments Seafood Analytics by providing a mechanism for data transfer through supply chains, while at the same time allowing for the potential of ancillary business models that align well with the needs of their customers. According to Jim Lincoln, investor and partner in Seafood Analytics:

“I have always envisioned Seafood Analytics being part of a larger data exchange platform and the vision of Fishcoin will help make that possible.”

We are already in discussions with the Seafood Analytics team about including their CQR data in one of the early pilots being scheduled now for Q2 of 2018, and multiple other Fishcoin partners including Northline Seafoods and Sitka Salmon Shares are already using Seafood Analytics to validate the quality of their seafood.

Interested in becoming a Fishcoin partner?

Companies and organizations throughout the seafood industry are signing up almost daily to be rollout partners in the Fishcoin ecosystem. If you would like to know more about joining our community of partners please read through our white paper, and contact our team.



Jayson Berryhill

Co-founder and CEO at @Wholechain. Technologist passionate about making supply chains more visible.