Storied Seafood Experience at Our Ocean Conference, Grand Hyatt, Bali 2018

We kicked off Our Ocean Conference in Bali with a Storied Seafood event hosted by Eachmile Technologies, the Fishcoin team, and our partners SecondMuse

Alistair Douglas
5 min readNov 17, 2018


On the Sunday night prior to the start of the Our Ocean Conference in Bali, Eachmile Technologies and the Fishcoin team, together with partners SecondMuse held a Storied Seafood Experience event at the Grand Hyatt in Nusa Dua. This was the 4th event in a series of storied seafood events that Eachmile and Fishcoin has run in collaboration with the Chef’s Manifesto of the United Nations SDG2 Advocacy Hub, and the first with SecondMuse.

We were honoured to have Prof. Russel Reichelt, former CEO of the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Chairman of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, and, on his last official day before retirement as the Chairman and Chief Executive of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority open the night for us. Prof. Reichelt noted the importance of the story behind your seafood — how it was caught, was it captured legally, ethically, sustainably, is it healthy etc. Prof Reichelt sang the praises of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, Ms. Susi Pudjiastuti for her role as a “sherpa” to ensure Indonesia’s fisheries are legal and sustainable. In closing, Prof. Reichelt stressed the importance of working on the whole production chain and supporting innovators such as Second Muse, Eachmile and the Fishcoin in their endeavours.

Following Prof. Reichelt, was the honourable Mr. M. Zulficar Mochtar, Director General of Capture Fisheries for the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia. Director General Mochtar highlighted IUU fishing as the leading threat to fish stocks, and that on the market side, fraud and mislabelling were the major concerns. He said that with internationalised supply chains not only consumers but industry and governments are requiring more information about their food products and that traceability has now become the Indonesian government’s main focus. To this end the Director General highlighted Indonesia’s efforts to ensure accurate data collection through eLog books linked to the ministry’s monitoring and control database, and expanding observer coverage onboard vessels. Finally the DG reminded us that assuring sustainability and achieving traceability is “not a one-man show” and requires all of us, industry and government to work hand in hand.

With the formalities completed the guests were treated to four live stations of storied and sustainable seafood that had been provided by leaders in the seafood industry. The team of chefs were led by Executive Chef Grzegorz Odolak, or “Chef G” for short, who started his career in Europe and has spent time mastering his craft in the Middle East, Thailand, India and now in Indonesia. A highlight was the sushi counter led by Chef Yoshi from Japan.

The Black Tiger Prawns were from the award winning company ATINA — a hatchery and processor based in East Java. The prawns are part of what is shaping to be the world’s first Fishery Improvement Project to Aquaculture Improvement Project within the Asian Seafood Improvement Collaborative. Eachmile and the Grand Hyatt in Singapore were the first buyers of the ASIC shrimp — an initiative to bring industry, government and non-government organisations together to create FIPs and AIPs in an inclusive manner and designed by the people that need to employ and administer them.

The locally caught handlined tuna was supplied by Bali Sustainable Seafood — a local company that is helping to promote sustainability, prevent negative impacts on the environment, protect endangered species and their habitat, and support local economies. The local industry is on a Fishery Improvement Project with the help of environmental NGO MDPI.

The pole and line caught tuna was supplied by AP2HI of the International Pole & Line Foundation. AP2HI is part of a Fishery Improvement Project that aims to implement sustainable fishing practices and minimise environmental impacts. In the long-term AP2HI is aiming to achieve MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) Certification.

The MSC certified wild Alaskan Pink Salmon was supplied by Northline Seafoods. Winner of the 2017 Fish 2.0 competition, Northline uses ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezing technology on a barge to lock in the freshness of the salmon closer to the fishing grounds. This leads to a higher quality salmon that can last longer in storage and on the shelf reducing waste.

During the event, SecondMuse launched their Seafood Innovation Project — a project supported by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade that is building an innovation ecosystem to improve the sustainability of Indonesia’s aquaculture and fisheries sector. If you have an innovation that could lead to a more sustainable sector in Indonesia, applications to join the SIP Community Accelerator are now open. Click here to apply.

Finally, Eachmile and SecondMuse were also proud to announce their collaboration for the 2019 Fishackathon which will take place over the weekend of October 5–6, 2019.

So overall a very enjoyable and successful night was had by all with special thanks to our seafood sponsors Bali Sustainable Seafood, AP2HI/IPNLF, Northline Seafood and ATINA. We would also like to thank our partners at the Grand Hyatt —the teams both in Bali and Singapore — and who through the efforts of Chef Lucas Glanville, Chef Martin Satow, and Chef Grzegorz Odolak have been leaders in the sustainable seafood space.

Interested in becoming a Fishcoin or Seafood Innovation Project Community partner?

Companies and organisations throughout the seafood industry are signing up almost daily to be rollout partners in the Fishcoin ecosystem. If you would like to know more about joining the Fishcoin community of partners please contact our team. Applications to the Seafood Innovation Project Community Accelerator open on Monday 19th November. Find out more at



Alistair Douglas

Founding partner @Eachmile and @Fishcoin. Passionate about applying technology to the seafood industry to help make it more sustainable and profitable.