30-Day No Sugar Challenge

Discover how to get rid of your cravings for sugar and transform your health.

EFS Group
Challenge Hub
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2021


Sugar is one of the most harmful substances we can put in our bodies. However, sugar addiction becomes more and more common in the 21st century.

Why Do We Crave Sugar?

Balancing Your Blood Sugar Is the Key

Here’s How The Food Industry Got You Addicted To Sugar | Eric Edmeades

How can you stop being addicted to sugar?

Why should you join the 30-day no sugar challenge?

What strategies can you implement to hack my sugar cravings?

Sugar is addictive but like all addictive substances, the right methods can break the addiction cycle and diminish your desire for sugar.

What to Eat During a Sugar Detox

Hidden Sugars to Avoid

Use behavioral psychology and pattern interruption to modify the way your mind craves sugar.

Are all sugars banned on the challenge?

Others doing the challenge

How will you be kept accountable during the challenge?

Group challenges are always more effective as you are able to share experiences with others going through the same thing. Our private Facebook Group is a great place to share recipes, tips and your day-to-day experience of cutting unwanted sugar from your diet.

Join our Facebook Group here. We start a new challenge on the first day of each month.

Permanently eliminate your sugar cravings in just 30 days by using behavioral psychology to change your relationship with food.



EFS Group
Challenge Hub

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