75 Hard Challenge by Andy Friscella

EFS Group
Challenge Hub
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2021

Once you embark on the 75 Hard challenge, you must follow a strict set of rules outlined by Frisella.

Follow a Diet

While he doesn’t specify which foods this includes, alcohol and “cheat meals” are banned. It’s unclear what qualifies as a ‘cheat’ meal, though.

Work out twice a day, for at least 45 minutes

One of these workouts must be an outdoor session, Frisella says. An outdoor walk can count towards this.

Drink four liters of water per day

This is a fairly standard rule across the majority of fitness challenges, with increased water intake offering some fairly valuable benefits. This includes stopping you over-heating, helping your kidneys get rid of waste from your body, delivering oxygen throughout the body, boosting physical performance and cushioning the brain, spinal cord and other sensitive tissues.

Take a five-minute cold shower

By taking a cold shower, you’ll ignite your inner thermostat, raising metabolism and kick-starting your internal heat-producing mechanisms. Production of norepinephrine and dopamine — two hormones that shift your nervous system into a sympathetic state — will increase, helping you feel more energized, alert and motivated before a workout.

Read the full disclaimer here.

Reviews: Cosmopolitan / www.menshealth.com / Parade

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