Do You Feel Lucky, Man? Well… Do Ya?

Shawn Phillips
Published in
7 min readApr 28, 2017
Careful Where You Point That Thing… Man

It’s great to have luck on your side.

But you can’t count on it. Luck comes and it goes.

That’s why you don’t leave your finances, home, education or your family’s future to “luck.” Wise men have a plan for things that define “a life well-lived.”

Unfortunately, most of these same wise men leave their health, energy and vitality entirely to luck. They wake up each day and blindly roll the dice.

Sure, we could stand to “drop a few,” and feel more energy, get a little more spring in our step, but like most men in the prime of life, we’re busy “working the plan.”

Truth is, for many, the plan is working them.

With the demands of career, relationships, family, and friends; social time and even sleep become luxuries. Spending hours in the gym and eating right is just not happening.

If you’re feeling the increasing weight of life, the constant squeeze on your time and enjoyment for life, you’re not alone.

Life has a way of squeezing itself out of even the strongest man.

“Men in the middle” of even the best life face challenges. Conditioned to self-sacrifice, we go, go, go until we can go no more; then drop. We use ourselves up first, yet, deep inside knowing that we can’t let our family, friends or careers down.

It’s the tug-o-war between doing what’s right for others and doing what’s right for you. That’s the dilemma of modern man: How to be the man for your family, deliver the goods for your business and remain strong, vital, and self-assured.

As energy is truly the currency of life, it’s energy you need for the time you want.

You don’t need some made-for-TV, reality show life makeover. You just need to get a little mo — mojo and momentum going to start bending life in your favor.

Grade-A Energy for the Type-A Man

Where most driven men regularly fail in energy management is they fail to make deposits. A lifetime of withdrawals from your energy reserves means you’re on course for a personal energy crisis.

Energy is an inside out job.

When it comes to stoking your energy reserves there are only two ways: Rest and regeneration — a.k.a. sleep — and life enhancing, energy sustaining nutrition.

All the other “energy stimulators” are more like high-interest loans which can reallocate energy, robbing it from the future for now but never truly adding to.

To get ahead men quite willingly sacrifice self. And when time is more precious than you, sleep is the first to go — nutrition a close runner-up (in the rare case it wasn’t already “lost”).

Sleep is sleep — you have to have enough sleep or your functioning is compromised; mentally, emotionally, physically. To a stressed, man on the run who’s sleep compromised, nourishing your body for energy, health, and vitality is a challenge that’ll have to wait.

In tough times, like every day, men eat to survive, not thrive. We stuff our mouths with whatever we find as long as it quiets the hunger and lets us get back to what we were doing.

The First Great Sacrifice

For the driven, wanna-be high-performer, the first sacrifice of their day is the worst sacrifice.

You’ve heard it your entire life; breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yet most busy men have convinced themselves that skipping breakfast in favor of coffee saves time.

In nearly every physical way you can imagine, skipping your morning nourishment is a devastating mistake. And yet, there is much more to the function of breakfast than just nutrition itself.

Your first meal of the day is as much a statement of intention as it is about nutrition. It’s a reflection of the respect for yourself and the expectations you have for your day.

For the truth is your day will rise or fall to meet the physical, mental and emotional energy quality and tone that you set to start your day.

Taking the 5, 10 or even 15 minutes to properly, thoughtfully nourish your body and mind is a strong statement to universe that set the tone and intention you’re your day. Repeated daily it’s a ritual and mantra that elevates and empowers your every single day.

Sure, the foods you eat, for lunch, diner and in between — the way you eat day in and day out is vitally important — it will make or break your life but for the man in demand there’s something even more powerful, more magical and more important about the ritual of breaking-fast and breaking-strong.

For this reason, I challenge every man reading this article, every man who wants more time, more freedom, more energy and more success in their life, to begin your morning with the respect and attention it deserves…for the results you deserve.

The Full Strength Man

When it comes to eating for strength, energy and success there is no one size fits all solution. We are different men with different values, goals and demands. For some a power-breakfast may be grilled rattle snake with grits, and for others eggs and oatmeal — as it was for me for years.

For thousands of high-performing men, the “start strong” meal of choice is a shake; a Full Strength total nutrition shake. It is precisely for this moment, for this man, that I created it.

There’s no better, faster and more empowering way to wake up your mind, invigorate your body and get life bending in your favor.

An intelligent, source of integrated nutrition, Full Strength tastes like a delicious home-made milkshake, nourishes like a perfect meal, and energizes your body and mind like magic.

It’s the quick, easy way to get luck back on your side.

For most Full Strength men it’s the freedom, the ease and the rhythm of starting each day with Full Strength that sets the tone for achievement, success and confidence.

The balanced, premium quality nutrition sets a lofty intention of success for the day and gets you clear, energized and going strong from the start.

Full Strength: The Type-A Performer Breakfast

The great Roman Philosopher, Seneca once said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity…

When you start each day strong, with a well nourished body and mind you embrace your day knowing you’re prepared for whatever life has to offer, ready to seize the opportunity it brings.

When you do this simple thing, day in and day out, it’s amazing how luck aligns with your goals and visions and success befalls you almost without effort.

That’s why Full Strength may be the most delicious way to get lucky!

About Shawn and His Shake

Howdy, there. Shawn here. Thought I’d share a little about me-self and what sort of things some might say I do.

A former athlete (as in like, sports… not a gym athlete) turned bodybuilder and physique-guy, I’ve been learning, teaching, coaching and writing in magazines and best-selling (real) book about mindful, integrated strength and fitness for 30 years now.

Yes, that would make me well past 4o.

As one of the founders of EAS Sports Nutrition, I’ve long has a passion and belief in a “daily nutrition shake.” This, for rituals of consistency, convenience, and a host of reasons you’ll hear me talk about.

From My Magazine Cover Icon Days

When I turned 40, I found that the protein and nutrition shakes that were on the market, were all low-grade junk targeted at muscle desperate teens.

Thus, I set out to make a real nutrient-rich daily shake that nourishing like a perfect meal.

A next-level shake that could not just power but radically up-regulate the life of the driven, busy, stressed, high-achieving man in the middle.

This passion and personal desire for a solution drove what became the most premium, clinically proven total nutrition formula for the Over 40 Man. Yes, that’s Full Strength.

No, it’s not for every-man. But if you’re one of the men it is for, there is no other that can compare.

How can you know? Well, simple. You take the 14-Day Full Strength Challenge. That’s one shake a day, for 14 days.

If you’re one of us, come day 8,9'ish you will begin to feel a marketed upgrade in your energy, focus, overall vitality, confidence and mood. You will be sleeping better, eating better all day, getting more work done. And you won’t even be sure why.

Just like everything I do and have done for three decades in the service of health, strength and fitness; this is no BullS%&*! I don’t make stuff up to make a buck. I don’t cut corners. And neither should you in your quest to live life freer, clearer and stronger.

Here’s to your life at Full Strength!

Note: This Article originally appeared in my long running blog,



Shawn Phillips

The Philosopher of FiT: Father, author, cyclist, Integral | Zen of Strength & Full Strength Man. 30 yrs in Strength & FiT