#Transformation Tuesday: My story pt 1

Dale Chube
The FIT Life Academy
2 min readJul 2, 2017

During my youth I went through many trials and tribulations that most young men go through at a young age. I was very troubled and couldn’t handle change. After hearing that my parents were divorcing at the age of 10, my life spiraled down from there. I developed many different problems during this time. I became very angry, depressed, suicidal, and had many communication issues with my parents and family. My parents did everything possible to help me overcome these issues. They sent me to countless therapists, schools, and anyone that they thought could help me. My luck ran out fast at my last school, The Grove School, when we agreed to leave on mutual terms. In other words, it was a nice way to say that we don’t want you here anymore and you have to leave. This was the beginning of a dark time for me.

After being dismissed from The Grove School I was at home doing what I want. Drinking, smoking weed, and not following any rules was apart daily routine. My mother made a difficult choice and decided to send me to Utah to a reform program. Utah wasn’t easy at all. The programs were very challenging mentally, physically, and emotionally. During these programs, I was taught fundamentals of weight lifting that changed my life. Chris, a 6’6” 250 lb. ex professional baseball pitcher, showed me my first chest workout and after that I was hooked. I worked with Chris for 4 months he taught me fundamentals of weight lifting.

Chris took me under his wing and made a huge impact in my life that still affects me today. He took a 150 lb. frame kid to a solid 175 lb. young man in my junior year of high school. This was the first transformation in my life. It not only changed my mindset, but set me on a path with fitness early in life. Weightlifting helped me channel my emotions in a safe way. This was the perfect way to free myself of any stress and gave me a sense of accomplishment. I still use lifting today to blow off steam among other reasons.

