Avocado Toast Recipes

Delicious variations of avocado toast that you have try over the week

4 min readNov 29, 2020


Photo by Dirk Ribbler on Unsplash.

After a busy week of Thanksgiving plans, we want to keep our recipes simple this week but without skipping the nutrition. What’s more perfect than avocado toast?!

By the way, if you’re thinking TL;DR, we got you covered. Check out this video on our Instagram page to watch our head Nutrition Coach walk you through the steps.

The Main Ingredients

Avocado toast is only as delicious and nutritious as the basic ingredients. First, you want to pick the right avocados. Generally, we look for Hass avocados that are ripe but not too ripe. You can tell by looking at the color of the avocado. Darker green means that it’s riper. Also make sure that it doesn’t feel squishy when you pick it up. That means it is too ripe. You will need one ripe avocado for two pieces of toast.

Fresh avocados stacked on top of each other
Photo by Alejandro Duarte on Unsplash.

The next thing you want to consider is the bread. Whether you’re buying or making fresh artisan breads or purchasing sliced bread from the store, whole grain breads have more fiber and nutritional value that plain white bread made with bleached flour.

Artisan wheat bread boules with wheat garnish on top of a dark wooden surface
Photo by Wesual Click on Unsplash.

If you don’t like bread or if you’re allergic to gluten, no problem. You can skip the bread all together and just pile the ingredients on top of the avocado after slicing it in half and removing the stone.

Photo by Heather Ford on Unsplash.

The Basic Foundation

The simplest way to enjoy this recipe is by slicing up the avocado and placing the slices on top of toasted bread.

Two slices of toasted bread topped with sliced avocado
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels.

You can fancy up the recipe by adding ingredients on top and a spread below the slices like in the following recipe that uses tapenade and adds a boiled egg and fresh microgreens on top.

Egg, Tapenade & Avocado Toast

Credit: FIT & NU™.

Additional Ingredients

  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 2 tbsp of tapenade
  • microgreens or sprouts
  • (optional) cilantro


  1. Boil the eggs for 5 to 7 minutes, depending on your preference for the yolk. Let the eggs cool for a few minutes.
  2. Remove the shell from the boiled eggs and cut the eggs into quarters.
  3. Spread the tapenade over the slices of bread and top with the sliced avocado and eggs.
  4. Season with salt and pepper and top with microgreens or sprouts and/or cilantro.

Using the Avocado as a Spread

Another way to make avocado toast is the mash the avocado into a creamy mixture (think guacamole) that you can spread on top of the toasted bread — smash the guacamole before you put it on the bread. You can mash the avocado with a fork in the shell of the avocado itself or scoop out the flesh into a bowl and mash it with a fork using the sides of the bowl to help. You can also add spices like a dash of salt, pepper, and garlic powder while your mashing the avocado or you can add spices to the top of your avocado toast. Once you do this, here are some variants of avocado toast that you can make.

Goat Cheese & Avocado Toast

Avocado toast with goat cheese and toasted sesame seeds
Credit: FIT & NU™.


  • ¼ cup of crumbled goat cheese (30g)
  • (optional) Half a lime
  • (optional) 1 tbsp of toasted black sesame seeds
  • (optional) dried chili pepper flakes
  • (optional) salt and pepper


Top the avocado toast with crumbled goat cheese and optional garnishes and seasonings if you haven’t added them to yet, such as lime juice, toasted black sesame seeds, dried chili pepper flakes, and salt and pepper.

Feta & Pomegranate, Avocado Toast

Credit: FIT & NU™.


  • ¼ cup of feta cheese (30g)
  • ¼ cup of pomegranate seeds
  • (optional) mint leaves


Top the avocado toast with crumbled feta and pomegranate seeds and garnish with mint leaves.

Extra Suggestions for Toppings

You can add the following as an additional garnish or sub out some of the ingredients we listed above.

  • Drizzle on herbed sauces like pesto, zhoug sauce (spicy cilantro), or balsamic vinegar
  • Pickled onions, radishes, or jalepeños
  • Poached egg or scrambled egg
  • Smoked salmon or smoked trout
  • Fresh sliced cherry tomatoes or cucumber
  • Toasted sunflower seeds or poppy seeds

And that’s it! Enjoy! Share your variant of avocado toast with us by tagging @fitandnu




Habit-based FITness & NUtrition company revolutionizing wellness for women of color.