19 Random Acts to Spread Kindness

Vartika Kashyap
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2018

Be kinder to yourself. And then let your kindness flood the world. — Pema Chodron

How often do you expect people to be kind to you? It is somewhat the first thing we expect from people at home, work or while we are in public. Unbelievably we just care about how kind she was to me, or how kind he will be to me. We all want them to be kind to us because somewhere we associate their kindness to our happiness.

And that’s how it works! But as it said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. So, if we wish the world to be kind to us, we have to be kind to the world in the first place.

If you want to be a kinder person, here are some of the must-do kind things to spread happiness.

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How to promote kindness

  1. Try being completely present when someone is around.
  2. The essence of politeness can make someone feel honored.
  3. Leave a welcome message on your colleague’s desk in the morning.
  4. Be generous to people around you.
  5. Forgive someone, and forget what they did. Give space for a new start.
  6. Appreciate the work of your co-worker or someone in your home.
  7. Be nice, the right way to bring positive results.
  8. Build a culture of respect that everyone can benefit from.
  9. Stand up for people who are being bullied.
  10. Make a list of all things you enjoy at work for you self-kindness.
  11. Make someone’s day easier
  12. Leave notes of encouragement for your colleagues.
  13. Ask colleague about their family (and listen patiently).
  14. Be enthusiastic about someone’s idea
  15. Greet people around you respectfully by their names.
  16. Tell your boss how they inspire you to grow each day
  17. Admit when you are wrong and apologize immediately.
  18. Share a positive thought.
  19. Walk around with a smile on your face!

“Kind people share happier memories. They become happier and more grateful. You are probably making the world a better place through your acts of kindness.”

It has been revealed in a study of Japanese undergraduates research, that happy people were kinder than people who were not happy. And the number of acts of kindness also gradually increased one’s sense of happiness.

I can think of nothing more powerful than showing absolute kindness to human beings. There are tremendous rewards that come with living kindly.

  • It rewires our mind for better health
  • It makes us feel fulfilled
  • It builds relationships with people around
  • It can help the bottom line
  • It releases “feel good” hormones
  • It is literally good for your heart
  • It makes us more tolerable
  • It decreases pain, anxiety, and depression

A few weeks ago, I decided on promoting kindness in the workplace. It was like a lesson for my team at ProofHub. Choosing kind words and kind actions throughout the workday is something that needs to be practiced for holistic wellbeing. I did set the tone, but it is the employees who will create a culture. As a manager, here are a few things that I do keep in mind to set a positive environment.

  1. I do not play the blame game. Set your environment in a way where it is ok to try and make mistakes, learn and move forward.
  2. I always show my gratitude towards my employees.
  3. I look for ways to celebrate wins to show my employees that success is always praised.
  4. I make them feel valued as a part of the team and company as a whole.
  5. I make sure to welcome different perspectives of team members for best solutions.

When a leader is giving its best to build a culture of kindness, it creates positive emotions and people will feel inspired to leave an impact.

“People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway.” ― Mother Teresa

Be Kinder Each Day

Kindness is a kind habit of giving ― that is good for us! It doesn’t take much efforts to be kind. Kindness is a wonderful thing, keep spreading!

What are the kind things you have done to people or people have done for you? Share your delightful experiences.

Author Bio

Vartika Kashyap is the Marketing Manager at ProofHub and has been one of the LinkedIn Top Voices in 2017. Her articles are inspired by office situations and work-related events. She likes to write about productivity, team building, work culture, leadership, entrepreneurship among others and contributing to a better workplace is what makes her click.



Vartika Kashyap
Fit Yourself Club

Chief Marketing Officer@ProofHub. Featured writer on LinkedIn. Contributor at Elearning Industry, Dzone, Your Story and Business.com.