Meghan Jensen
2 min readJan 27, 2016

5 Best Bariatric Surgery Infographics On The Web

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love Infographics. They take information and repackage it in a format that is unique and eye catching. Recently I decided to do a search and see if there were any good Infographics related to bariatric surgery, and I feel like I struck gold!

Not all of these are directly related to WLS, but all of them contain information that I think will be useful and relevant to anyone who has had it, or is considering it. Read on and enjoy!

1: The Link Between BMI And Your Health by CarePoint Health

2: Pros and Cons of Weight Loss Surgery by Angeles Health

3: Why Most Diets Don’t Work by CFS Camp

4: The Economic Costs Related to Obesity by Marina Del Rey Hospital

5: Weight Loss Surgery: Which One to Go For? by Nord Bariatric

BONUS: How Many Calories You Burn Doing Housework by Master Cleaners Ltd

Not so relevant to WLS, but it made me happy to know all the time I spend cleaning up after my kids is worth something to my health!

(All Infographics found via

Do you have a favorite Infographic that didn’t make my list? Let me know in the comments!