6 Post-Workout Recovery Foods & Drinks for Athletes

Helen Bradford
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2018

Any semi-professional or professional athlete will tell you how important proper nutrition is for working out. This usually goes for the food eaten during exercise, but post-workout food and drinks are equally important. Seasoned athletes know exactly which food groups are these, but rookies still tend to make mistakes when it comes to post-workout nutrition. That is why we have compiled a list of 6 recovery foods and drinks that will restore your energy levels after intensive training sessions.


Even physically inactive people will tell you that hydration is important for health. You probably already know that you need to have a half a liter bottle with you during workout. Taking sips from it regularly during the workout between sets is a must. But did you know that water is equally important in the post-workout recovery as well? People who sweat a lot probably know this, but all the fluids lost through perspiration should be replenished by water intake. If you are unsure to what amount you sweat, a neat trick is to weigh yourself before and after practice, to see how much kilos you’ve lost. This way you will know how much water to drink afterward. Also, urine can be a good indicator. If it is of a clear color, then everything is alright, but if it is of a darker shade than you are probably dehydrated and need to drink water.

Chocolate milk

The ideal drink in the hours following the workout has to be balanced. That means that the level of carbon-hydrates has to equal to the level of proteins it contains. Chocolate milk fits the bill perfectly. Not only does it have the right combination of nutrients, but it is more effective than conventional energy drinks retailed at sky-high prices. You can buy it from a store or easily make it yourself by adding a chocolate bar to warm milk. It can be refrigerated and served cold for your pleasure.

Protein shakes

Talking of drinks, there is one beverage that is more efficient than chocolate milk. Shakes should be the number one go-to option after a hard workout. They provide the body with nutrients that are essential for a quick recovery. They are to be drunk up to an hour after the exercise and should ideally contain around 20 to 30 grams of protein. Regular shakes mostly contain whey protein, but there are other kinds as well. For instance, shakes rich in casein protein are ideal drinks before going to the bed. They use the time a person sleeps to further replenish our energy storage. These shakes can also be used as suitable meal replacements.


Eating any kind of nuts after workout will immediately boost your magnesium and protein levels. They can be eaten raw straight from the hand, or you can spread all kinds of butters on whole-grain bread. All nuts are good for you, but the richest in healthy fats are walnuts. They are also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation and help you recover better.

The watermelon

We have already discussed the importance hydration plays in a fast post-workout recovery. We also mentioned shakes that are made from fruit, but there is a potent vegetable that combines the effects of the two. There are strong indications that watermelon can relieve muscle soreness by breaking down lactic acid responsible for making our muscles contract. In the long run, watermelons can make our muscles stay tense for a longer period, thus increasing the intensity of the workout. Watermelons are rich in amino-acids which help blood flow and generally make our metabolism work better. Since they are full of water, they can clean the entire organism, relieving it of all toxins. A watermelon can be cooled down in the fridge and eaten raw or we can put it in a blender and make juice. It can be spiced up with mint or mixed with lemon and lime juice for a better taste.


The final superfood we present you are beans. If you thought that these can only be found on your grandma’s menu, you were terribly wrong. They are rich in vitamins and minerals none of the other foods and drinks presented here contain in sufficient quantities. Proteins and carbon-hydrates are also present in them, especially in black beans. They can be eaten with cheese and tortilla. For a stronger flavor, you can add salsa sauce, which makes it the perfect recovery food for those who love spicy meals.

The more intense the workout, the more tired you are going to feel. Yes, your body will recover the next day, but that is too long of a wait in the fast-paced world of today. What you really need are any of the recovery foods and drinks presented here. By consuming them, your energy levels will spring back in no time.

