8 Things all future boss ladies need to know

Vartika Kashyap
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
5 min readFeb 21, 2018

There was a woman who had big dreams in her eyes. A dream to be a successful, independent and strong woman. She worked hard and fought for what she believed in. After few years, she was dubbed as the queen of private equity for managing funds of around Rs 9,200 crore while heading ICICI India. But she quit her job at the peak of her career to start her own venture. She worked hard again. Now, her start-up is backed by top Indian and global investors. She is none other than Renuka Ramnath, CEO of Multiples Alternate Asset Management. And she is what they say a ‘boss lady’.

Do you know who exactly is a boss lady? She is someone who knows exactly what she wants from life and won’t settle for anything less than that. To all the Oprahs, Beyonces, and Priyankas — we are proud of you. These badass women wear this ‘boss lady’ tag perfectly.

Though the journey will not be all hunky-dory. But as the saying goes, “You’ve got everything it takes but it will take everything you’ve got.” So here are 10 things all boss ladies (and young girls) out there need to know to make their dreams a reality.

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Believe in yourself

We all feel inadequate at least once in our respective lives. And when you are a strong woman, you do that more often. Like any ambitious individual, you set high standards for yourself. And sometimes, the expectations can be as high as the sky. When things don’t turn out as expected, you might start doubting yourself. So, ladies if you want to be a successful boss, believe in yourself and exude nothing but confidence in every breath you take.

Always stick to your guns

As a future boss lady, your ability to spot opportunities will determine your journey. If you spot any opportunity, no matter if you are prepared for it or not, just do it. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg once said, “If you’re offered a seat on a rocket. Don’t ask what seat, just get on!” Develop an eye to spot opportunities and go after them with all your might.

Embrace the hate

While you’d be climbing the ladder of success and growth, not everyone will like it. There might be a swarm of haters trying their best to drag you down. These haters can be your peers, colleagues or just insecure individuals who might be eyeing your coveted position. Always keep things in perspective, don’t take hatred personally and run your own race.

Be a learner for life

Learning never goes out of fashion. You might possess all the knowledge in the world but sometimes even the wisest need to do some learning. Every day things are changing — new methods, technologies, business trends are a few to name. Ask any successful person for an advice, most of them will ask you to learn at least one thing everyday. Humility and willingness to learn are the two requisites for becoming successful.

Redefine yourself

The image you hold of yourself determines the level of success you would achieve. As a young ambitious woman, you might have to go through quick spiritual growth. Don’t hold yourself or restrict to any stereotypes, genres or personality-types. To be on the right track, you might need to redefine yourself and your priorities every now and then. You need to develop an understanding that your decisions have the power to change not only yours but the life of others as well. And that’s some incredible power.

Flaunt your emotions

A woman is the only creature that can gather all the emotions in one moment. Elizabeth Gilbert wrote in Eat Pray Love, “You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you would select your clothes every day.” When you lose a big project and get a serious scolding from your boss. The best thing you can do is to own up the mistake, learn the lesson and move on. I absolutely love these words by Elizabeth Edwards, “She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails”.

It’s okay to be scared

You may be a strong woman but fear can surface anytime anywhere. Fear can take many forms, for some it can be the fear of losing and for others it can be not knowing what do. When you are a boss, a newly appointed one, you will be unsure, at times, vulnerable and might end up making some mistakes as well. Being a boss lady, you will have to take risks and take a lof them. Don’t be afraid to be scared as vulnerable is the new strong.

Don’t chase perfection

Boss ladies tend to have this streak of perfectionism engrained in their minds. Their definition of ‘good enough’ is ‘par excellence’ of average people. When they can’t match up to their own expectations, they feel disappointed, frustrated and often distressed. Whenever you are stuck with the perfection syndrome, remember the words of Kim Collins, “Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.” If you wait for the perfect things, you’ll end up waiting forever.

Being a boss lady is not a one-time thing, it’s a lifestyle. It’s a choice to live a life on your terms and conditions. It’s a journey in itself but will be worth all the effort.

“Want to bring a positive change in your worklife this year? Stop relying on emails and switch to ProofHub!”

Originally published at LinkedIn.com.


Vartika Kashyap runs the marketing team at ProofHub — a project management software for teams of all sizes. She is a seasoned marketing professional who is an expert in digital marketing and entrepreneurship. She’s been featured among LinkedIn’s Top Voices for the year 2016 & 2017. Connect with Vartika on LinkedIn, Medium and Twitter.

Also follow our company page @ProofHub to get the recent updates about our tool, published articles, motivational quotes & presentations.


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Vartika Kashyap
Fit Yourself Club

Chief Marketing Officer@ProofHub. Featured writer on LinkedIn. Contributor at Elearning Industry, Dzone, Your Story and Business.com.