Michelle Monet
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2018


This morning was frigid cold out. Bob walked in while I was typing my morning essay and slurping my coffee and said ‘I want to get out today. All my work is caught up and I’m kinda bored with staying in’.

“BOWLING!??!”, I screamed. Umm — we haven’t bowled for maybe 5 or 7 years. Where did that come from? LOL

There’s a small bowling alley inside the community center 5 minutes from our house. He said ‘What’s with you and bowling!?”, because I had mentioned about a month ago that for some reason I dreamt that we were bowling. Wow — you can tell how exciting my dreams are sometimes.

So, he agreed bowling MIGHT be fun since its too damn cold to do much else. We both got dressed quickly . I wore my furry black Russian hat because God forbid I try to do anything with my hair that I haven’t cut for many weeks! Wayyyyy too much effort to spend any time on hair styling. I love hiding my ratty hair under a hat, putting on earrings …and VOILAAA — Im ready!

Bob threw on his black sweat pants that he got at Kmart that he rarely wears — only when its super duper cold like today. I made a cup of to-go coffee which I seem to always do, like osmosis, whenever I go out. Usually I go out to write on locations, to the bookstore, library or wherever, and I always want my own special coffee with the splash of Stevia and sugar free flavored syrups. I like the decadence of it so I made my to go cup and we both jumped in the car heading to the bowling alley.

It was an alley with about 6 lanes. Small place but it had a nice cheerful bright vibe. Happy music was playing in the background while we chose our balls and laced up our newfangled bowling shoes. I don’t recall bowling shoes having Velcro straps but it was a nice comfy handy thing. I pulled the Velcro and tightened the shoes. “IM READYYYY!!”

The electronic system was nifty too. No need for math skills to add the scores up. Perfect for me! We signed up for a great deal: All we can bowl in an hour for $10 bucks each.! WOOHOO! SO $20 for two. Not too shabby.

At first I forgot how it all worked. Oh yeah, you walk up to the line and throw the ball. Okayyy.

I ended up throwing maybe five strikes today (Not too shabby at all), in between some really horrible throws that were coming out of left field.

Bob said: “You are a wild inconsistent bowler’.

“OH well. You are a consistent bowler but I still beat you one game!”

We end up playing three games. Bob won two. In between turns I gulped some coffee and looked around at the one other lane where a grandma looked to be teaching her grand kids how to play. Overall it was a mellow time. Laid back. A good distraction.

Bob laughed at me when after I rolled my ball Id shake my butt and do these flailing arm and butt movements trying to convince the ball to moOOOooove over just a BITTTtttt!! You know it sort of works sometimes to move your bodyyyyy while the ball is rolling down the lane!

I laughed at Bob on the way home when he said ‘WOW Im sooo sore!! My legs and hamstrings really hurt! That was really a WORKOUT.”

“WOW. We’re old farts.”

He said “Yeah we have JGO disease. Just Getting Old??” LOL

Overall a nice day out bowling. We might go bowling more often. It still beats sitting on the recliners like two lumps watching Netflix. Not a bad way to spend a few hours and a $20 bill.





Michelle Monet
Fit Yourself Club

Musician. Author. Poet. Seeker. Currently writing Showbiz Memoir and Broadway style Musical. My 5 books are on Amazon. Contact: 1020monet@gmail.com