A One Month old’s thoughts Dr.Seuss style

Samantha Altizer
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2017

We have reached a milestone, come Thursday my little bundle will be a month old. I know it has flown by and as a result of course she has grown and become fussy. This past week has been a mix of crying for no reason (though I suspect a week of foul weather maybe the culprit, we will see what next week brings) and no sleep, for anyone. So without further ado here are her thoughts as a one month old.

I will cry here or there, I will cry any where! I will cry in the rain, I will cry on an airplane. I will cry in the car, I will cry near or far, I will cry no matter where we are! I will cry at a bee, I will cry if I sneeze. I will cry on my tummy, I will cry if I see a bunny. I will cry on my back, I will cry no matter how you act! I will cry when I burp, I will cry in a shirt. I will cry all day long, I will cry even if you sing a song. I will cry no matter what, you and dad should probably give up! I will cry most any place I will even cry when I see sister’s face. I will not stop crying not even for you, I also will cry because I don’t like your shoes! I will cry in the kitchen and in the den, I will also cry if you tickle my shin. I will cry a river and a stream, I will cry because I can’t have ice cream! I will cry for no reason at all, I will cry because you are so tall! I won’t stop no I won’t you can’t make me, not even on a boat. I will cry in the bath or if you take a shower, I will cry more often than the clock strikes the hour! I will cry no matter what, face it you can’t get me to stop! I will cry when you sleep, I will cry when you don’t make a peep! I will cry and cry until your own eyes aren’t dry! And just when you think you have reached wits end, I will fall asleep and make you think I’m an angel all over again!

And that sums up how this past week has been. We are all tired and frankly I think we are all a bit fussy at this point, but it won’t last forever (I hope or I am seriously making some grandparents come get her for the weekend while the rest of us sleep.). She will be grown and gone in the blink of an eye and this will be a distant memory. My girls are so precious, and so is life, I hope you all whether parents or not have someone in your life that brightens your days and makes you laugh, and on occasion reminds you of how much they need you. I just hope you all get more sleep than I am at the moment.



Samantha Altizer
Fit Yourself Club

I am an author and creative. Find me on Facebook here fb.me/SammyJsBAT I am there more than Twitter. :)