A Quick Guide: Investing Time for Time
Investing Time for Time
By Konrad Probst
We all somehow want to have more time. More time for work, time for our family and friends, time for fun and entertainment, time to sleep enough and time for a hundred more reasons. Well, a day has 24 hours, period. So what do I mean, when I say: You should be “Investing Time for Time” ?
This is not just a 5 steps to do this or 3 ways to do that. And sorry, but this is not a Quick Guide either. This is a little hello. This is a wake up call that should remind you of how you are spending time these days. Watch Netflix or YouTube. Check Facebook and Instagram for fun and short videos. Go have a nap. In fact, have a nap right after you finished another series on Netflix. If this is your idea of the perfect life — do it! But please, recognize that time is something we need to use. To some of you this seems obvious, but are you using your time optimally ?
“Time is the most valuable asset. The sooner you realize this the better.“
Time is the most valuable asset. The sooner you realize this the better.If you have not realized this already, chances are you already lost lots of time in various situations. I make a prediction here, that most of you care more about the way you spend money than you care about the way that you spend your time. I don’t get it. You lose $1, you’ll make it back. You lose 1 Minute, it’s gone forever. See what I am aiming at?
Time is limited. We all die sooner or later. The average life expectancy in the US is a little less than 80 years. My point is simple. We can influence the length of our lives. Eat healthier, stimulate your brain, go and workout. It’s not rocket science and guess what? It’s even quite easy to make changes in the way we use our time. Think about it: What can you do in 3 additional years of your life, if you put in the small amounts of time each day?
We have the tendency to go for the easy, the simple way. We avoid complicated situations or things that would mean extra effort. Why would we take the time to buy fresh food and cook it ourself if we have a fast food chain right down the block? Why should we read a book if we can start a new series? Why do I need to go to the gym or join a sports team anyhow? I tell you why. Because the only thing that prevents you from doing it is the action itself. You don’t need to change all of that immediately. In fact, most of the changes are incremental changes that contribute to the bigger picture.
Are 5–6h sports a week that much, if this helps you to spend the rest of your life in a better condition ?
Of course, there is no immediate negativity if you eat a pizza whilst you browse through your favorite videos and websites. But let me tell you that if you do so, chances are that especially those last years of your life can be the worst of your life. If you do not treat yourself appropriately, your body, your mind and finally yourself won’t function properly in the long run. Do not get me wrong here, I am not emphasizing the fact that you should go crazy about being efficient 17 hours a day — I am saying that the key lies in the small things. Are 5-6h sports a week that much, if this helps you to spend the rest of your life in a better condition ?
You may think about me, when you find yourself next to the TV for too long again. Use your time — it’s limited. More importantly: Invest Time in Time.