All that matters is consistency.

Chris Marchie
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2018

Okay, it’s not everything. But it’s a hell of a something.

Photo by Wil Stewart on Unsplash

The first time I listened to one of those entrepreneurial self-help guru’s tell me that consistency was key, I felt like a dumbass.

My parents instilled in me a good routine when I was a kid. And honestly, I thrived.

Get in bed by 8

Up by 6.

Make sure to bring the dog in by 7.

Do all of your homework every night immediately after school.

And it went on and on and on.

The thing is, you can have all of this upbringing and still not know why it’s working. You grow up, get a cell phone (ugh), start drinking and before you know it you’re struggling to get through a week of college work because you can’t focus for your life.

I’m learning that even when I suck at things, I start sucking a lot less when I do them on a regular basis. When I push myself to keep a schedule, stick to workout plans and maintain my diet, I feel amazing.

But nobody teaches you this. Then even when you learn it, you’ll probably forget it. There’s just so much temptation out there. So many reasons to stop.

I guess we can either let our world tame us.

Or we can tame our world.

