Appreciation & Sacrifice

Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2016

If appreciation and sacrifice were to recognize correct and balance right in our lives, then the world would be a better place especially when dealing with family troubles and complications.

A Sacrifice, is doing something you have never done to get something you have never had (quoted Suzanne Evans) but also not any something, there are rules for that. However, many people misused the word compromise to the word sacrifice. To clarify, appreciation means to acknowledge and value the good makings of someone. Trade your expectation to appreciation and the world changes instantly (quoted Troy Robbins) that means if you expect something from someone you care about and one day you didn’t find it, search more for the reasons why and you will find some pretty good explanations for that pause as he/she didn’t just change out of the blues.

Example of sacrifices:

Example one:

When a parent leaves their house, old job and country for a new job in another country which offers a good pay so they could support their new small family and build them a stable budget, well, that is a sacrifice. They sacrifice living and enjoying life with their family, Probably, they are going to miss the first time their kids have the chickenpox, their first heartbreak, and maybe even first birthdays, not to mention, the emotion support they gain from their partner and the romantic moments they could have spent together.

Example 2:

Accepting gifts from others is not a sacrifice. Seriously!! :D, believe it or not, I know people who think that accepting a gift from someone is a sacrifice.

Let me clear it in that example, a father wanted to make a huge and astonishing birthday party for his 2 years old baby girl but he is a little low on the budget, therefore, his sister-in-law offered to ship in for the party and help out. Thus here is the argument, if he accepts her offer that does not mean that he has sacrificed his manhood and daddy duties in order to satisfy his daughter, wake up! She didn’t bargain with you to be a stripper for a day and then she gives you the money after that, Where is the sacrifice here?? However, You should be grateful to her that she was trying to help out, and do not whine to yourself every moment of every second that you had once sacrificed your manhood for your daughter’s birthday party (COME ONNN!!}

Example of appreciation:

Being a stay home parent especially at a young age and right after you got married with a full time working spouse is a bit of a challenge and not everyone could do it. You take care of the baby food, drink, play, and safety not to mention poppy diapers. Though you do not have time for yourself or your spouse anymore especially when the kids are toddlers and there is no help, well, you could have 5 hours off duties during the kid’s naps if possible ☺. So this is time for a double appreciation from both sides, both spouses should appreciate each other and not only by words but by actions. If the mother is the one who is taking care of the baby then she should value her husband’s hard work and that she won’t find that helping hand all the time not because he doesn’t care but because he is out there building a solid money source to support his family, on the other hand, the husband should appreciate his wife for what she is doing to their child by giving all her time to him/her. He shouldn’t feel left out or complaints about the lake of intimacy and romantic moments they should spend together as a couple. for the record, babies and toddlers grow up and go to preschool so do not worry your lives will return to normal, it’s a temporary thing, just do not wreck what you have got for momentary things.

To sum up, do not cry and act like a baby over the things you lack in your relationships, but try to make the best of everything. Also, do not think that you are the hero and everyone else is a chicken comparing to your preciouses self. Moreover, try to be grateful to the people whom once cared about your feeling and offered you a kind hand.

