Best Tips to Make a Woman Happy in Bed

Fit Yourself Club
Published in
5 min readDec 13, 2018

Many women feel like they are forgotten about in bed. Use these tips to make her experience something to remember.

Men and women have different views when it comes to sex. They talk about it differently and they do things differently. When it comes to getting pleasure out of sex, they take different paths.

Statistics show that more than 75% of men say they always have an orgasm when they have sex. Only 25% of women say they always have an orgasm. There are plenty of reasons for the difference between men and women achieving orgasm during sex. It is possible to enjoy sex without achieving an orgasm. If a man wants to make sex more pleasurable for a woman, they need to learn a few tips. These tips will make sex more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Get Educated

The first step to providing more pleasure to a woman involves learning more about what that means. Men know how to pleasure themselves. It is something that many men have practised for years. It is easier for a man to achieve their orgasm. It is so easy that the average man orgasms win about 4 minutes. It takes a woman an average of 11 minutes to achieve an orgasm if they can at all.

That means a man needs to learn what it takes to bring a woman to orgasm. They have to learn about the female anatomy and what the pleasure points of a woman are. There are plenty of different places on a woman’s body that will stimulate them. This includes the breasts, the legs and the clitoris. A man needs to learn techniques that reach all these areas from massages to oral sex.

Know That the Woman is Unique

Just because something is pleasurable for a man, does not mean it will have the same result for a woman. It is also important to realize that each woman is different. The things that one woman enjoyed are not always the same for another woman.

Take the time to learn what a woman likes. Listen to the reactions as you have sex and pay attention to how their body moves during sex. These are the clues to watch for about what they enjoy and what they do not enjoy.

Care About Her Pleasure

It does not take long for a man to get excited. A woman does not always get as turned on as quickly as a man. Take your time with a woman to allow them to get excited. The more you rush through anything, the more pressure you are putting on yourself and your partner. That pressure takes away from the enjoyment sex can bring to everyone involved.

This step utilizes what you learn in the first two steps. When you take the time to learn about the female body, you will learn the different ways to pleasure a woman. When you realize that every woman is unique, it makes you take the time to find out what turns your partner on. That helps you do the things she needs to feel the pleasure everyone wants from sex.

Let Her Know What You Like

Sexual pleasure is a two-way street. This is something you can find out when you get educated. If the only thing you cared about was achieving your orgasm, you don’t need a partner. You can do that by yourself and probably have done it before.

Sex with a partner can bring more pleasure than when you are alone, but not if they don’t know what you like. If you want to please a woman, you want them to tell you what they like, so do the same for them. Tell them when they do something that feels good. Just like you need her to tell you what she likes if you want to give her pleasure, she needs to know how to please you.

Communication is the Key

You may enjoy sex with your partner. She may enjoy it with you. The problem is that you may not know if this is true or not unless you communicate with each other. Communication needs to happen before, during and after sex.

Before you have sex with a woman, you need to talk about the different things that each of you likes. When do you like to have sex, what kind of sex do you like and what type of fantasies do each of you have are some of the things you can talk about.

Communication is important during sex. It is more than just grunting and groaning. Dirty talk can add to the pleasure. If you don’t know how to engage in dirty talk or are nervous about what to say, consider practising on sex chat websites. These sites can help you learn what to say and what others say without fear of saying the wrong things. Adult chat sites are anonymous if you say the wrong thing, you can just start over.

If you really want to pleasure a woman, talk after you have completed the sex act. This is something that women say they want the most. After sex, spend time cuddling and talking about your feelings for sex will take the woman’s pleasure to new levels.

Don’t Skimp on Foreplay

There is nothing wrong with an occasional quickie. It is something both a man and woman can enjoy, but it is not a substitute for good and pleasurable sex. Good sex means you need to take your time and engage in foreplay. Foreplay can include many different things. Massages, role-playing and oral sex. Foreplay gives a woman time to heat up and time to enjoy the whole act of sex. It works for a man too.

This is also a time to bring in toys and other sex aids. Watch a movie together or take a shower. You may find out that both you and the woman enjoy the foreplay as much as you do the 4 minutes it takes for you to orgasm.

Human beings are special. We are one of the only things on earth that has sex for pleasure. Of course, not everyone is getting all the pleasure from sex that they want, need or deserve. It is up to the man to figure out what it takes to pleasure a woman, but if they do, they will find her by their side for a long time.



Fit Yourself Club

Mila Jones is a Senior Business Consultant, With rich experience in the domains of technology consulting and strategy.Twitter: @miilajones