My journey of Gaining Productivity By Conquering Laziness

Dr. Vaibhav Namdev
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2017

Laziness is nothing but the habit of resting before getting tired.

I would be covering two aspects of laziness: Physical and mental.

Physical Laziness

Waking up at 6am in the morning, getting ready for medical college, reaching somehow at 8.10 to 8.15am in the morning lecture, sleeping through all lecture by keeping eyes open, complete unwillingness to do some productive work; for me this is Physical Laziness. This is story of probably every student.

What do I do to kill this?

  • The most important thing is Sleep. I always have adequate sleep; not more, not less. If we sleep more or less, it would make us feel sleepy and our dependence on caffeine would be increasing. We might start considering cigarette as option which would be unfair to lungs.
  • Sleeping for 6–8 hours is enough.
  • I Tried waking up early in the morning for intake of good amount of fresh air and distractions free studies.
  • Adding lemon and honey in lukewarm water and drinking it for my vitamin supplements was very helpful. I then go for walk or work out. I prefer working out at this time rather than going on a walk because during my clinical rotations I walk enough for my fitness.
  • Stretching your muscles is very important, doing some cardio or 15 minutes workout would make your heart happy. If your heart is happy, it would keep your brain well-supplied with blood and kill your laziness.
  • Walk would additionally help you get supplement of Vitamin D.
  • Take bath with cold water. Getting your head into the shower would be a challenging task at first but i am sure you would feel alive after that.
  • Next is Breakfast. It is key component of your fitness regimen. Keep it light. Don’t leave house without breakfast. For me, 2 Parathas (Bread) for breakfast work fine.
  • What else; leave home with smile, with small and achievable goals.

These things keep me quite active at work. Try this out.

Give some time to your body for adapting this schedule. You will feel better after few days.

Mental Laziness

This is also called Procrastination. I think too much of my goals because of which my brain keep devising plans and strategies to achieve them. For instance, I needed permission of my professor to allow me to attend some surgeries. My brain used to formulate different plans to accomplish my budding wishes during lecture time. But at the end of the lecture, I tell myself, Okay! I am surely going to talk to him but next week.

This is procrastination or mental laziness for me.

  • As I am an Introvert, I am not a fan of much human interaction so I would mostly be missing from social events. I do not participate in many cultural events too.
  • Why i am like this? Probably I am afraid or I am a procrastinator. Meaning either I doubt my abilities for respective work or I am just lazy enough to do the work.

What if I am afraid:

  • All you need is a moment of courage. Stop listening to your brain just take the step. Stop Overthinking about it. Considering my case, I went out of the room, approached professor and talked to him. He gave me details, explained me and advised me to not to think of “What others would think about you?” Come to wards, learn. Don’t be afraid to walk alone.

Now what if I am a Procrastinator:

  • First of all, if you have one week assignment, start early.
  • I don’t consider making a written plan because if I fail at following it, it breaks my spirit. So I prefer making a mental structure.
  • Then divide your assignment into small but unequal parts.
  • Why unequal? Because considering our habits, we prefer working less in the beginning of the project and pace up at the end. So divide it according to that.
  • Do the difficult part first and leave easy for later.
  • Don’t go hard on yourself.

This is how you can kill your laziness be it Physical or mental.

Procrastination is state of human mind, you can’t be perfect. Sometimes its okay to procrastinate. Don’t curse yourself for doing that.

That’s me spotted at the cultural event just because of the gold medal.

