“There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them.” Sylvia Plath

Artisanal Bathing

Natalie Wilkinson
2 min readJan 24, 2016

I am not a scientist. I don’t know why caffeine wakes me up but I drink it. I don’t know why lack of sleep can cause a worse hangover than 5 shots of tequila, but I feel it.

Today I woke up, sent a text, went back to sleep, woke up, let the dog pee, and went back to sleep again. The activities of last night’s art kegger left me exhausted. So I decided to treat myself to a mid-day artisanal bath.

My favorite things to add to bath water are green tea, baking soda, salts, and lavender essential oil. I only had decaf tea so I threw in a black tea bag as well.

The water was a beautiful amber color. The minute I slipped in, I knew that this is what my body deserved. I sank deeper and deeper into the tub until I could only breathe out of my nose which rested just above the surface of the water. The lavender and green tea steam must have fogged my brain because I quickly entered a transcendental meditative state. For those of you who have never practiced transcendental meditation, or meditation at all, it is usually associated with the euphoric feeling of leaving one’s body, in a sense “losing” one’s motor neural control. I can honestly say it was the best bathing experience I have ever had.

I stayed for at least 20 minutes submerged that way. Once the water was below my body’s core temperature I got out. I feel rested, rejuvenated, relaxed, and all in all, fucking awesome.

Try it. If you are like me and consider yourself a slab of meat that occasionally needs to simmer in a stew of edible ingredients please send my your own recipes!

10 drops of lavender essential oil

7 tea bags (1 normal green tea, one black tea, and the rest decaf green tea)

⅓ cup of baking soda

⅓ cup of salts (I think I should have used a little more)



Natalie Wilkinson

A little bird flew away from the nest to discover cynicism, nihilism, and a lot of good sex.