
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2016

People are rock solid when it comes to shifting behaviors, in theory they can change for a while but later on they will switch back on. And you know why? Because if a person really wants to change then there are rules that should be followed to accomplish that, I call them the four rules of changing.

Rule 1: Do Not Change for someone

That is the number one rule that you should follow in this process of changing, it is a perquisite, however if you don’t accomplish it you will crash the procedure.

If someone really wants to change themselves to better it should be because they really wants that for themselves not because they want to satisfy someone, for instance, if a short-tempered person found fell in love with their dream come true partner, and was doing everything they could do to make this person happy and amazed even they were trying to change that short tempered habit they have for them. Well that’s cute, but I do not see that someone should change themseleves to satisfy another person. However, the minute this lover fell out of love or had a fight is the minute they will switch back to their old habits because clearly the thing that was keeping that door closed is fading away.

Rule Two: Be optimistic

After accomplishing rule number one and acknowledging that you are changing for yourself because you want to be a better person. Then you should afterwards thinks positively and do not ever jump to negative conclusions; like, you have a weak personality you cant change that easily, you are cursed by that bad behavior, or you are too busy to focus on something that is hard to be changed. However, you should not think that low of yourself because any person who admits that he has something wrong with himself is strong enough to do anything in the world.

Rule Three: Emphasis your objective

If your trying to change many things in your personality, it is better to take each task one by one you should solve every task separately or you will overdue yourself and find that you have returned to the zero point, Yet think and focus on one assignment at a time, well I know it would take long time if you have many problems that should be changed but it is a guaranteed way to use when you are trying to change yourself.

Rule Four: Reward yourself

Make your self a reward chart and hang it on a wall, see how many stars you have collected everyday for not doing that behavior you want to change. However, that reward chart really helps a lot and it is not only for kids it is a problem solving techniques that I found really helpful in such matters.

