~ ~ C N Y ~ ~

Fit Yourself Club
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2016

A day of life acting like everything is OK

Its getting harder to fake a smile, harder to pretend that I have no pain.

I woke up today with pain all over my body, as usual.

But here lately the pain has expanded to my shoulders, and chest all around to my ribs.

The pain in my back has not stopped for a little over a month. Now its upper, lower, middle back pain all at the same time.

But I try to keep on going. I refuse to stop pushing myself!

Life is not over yet!

I’m only 28 years old and a mom of 5 beautiful munchkins.

They’re my everything and the reason I won’t ever give up.

My day so far….

  • Hugs from all my little loves
  • They helped me clean around the house
  • Breakfast: Quesadillas de chorizo con huevos
  • Lunch: Caldo de res
  • Resting a little don’t want to over work my body. The last thing I need is this flare to get worse then what it already is.
  • Playing Monopoly with kiddos

Life is not over yet they have show me that day by day.

I have so much to live for and I refuse to let depression take over me again. Every morning it’s like a war to get up out of bed,

every night is hard to fall asleep because of the constant switching inside, the constant pain all over.

But I am grateful for the little things in life all the things that I have learned that are truly a blessing.

My eye sight, my hands, my fingers, my mind, my loved ones.

This pain will not win and even though it has won some battles…


C N Y 1987

