Do you hate doing cardio?

At least I do

Orlando González
Fit Yourself Club
2 min readFeb 3, 2018


If you are doing cardio but hate doing those 30 to 45 minute treadmill “workouts” then I have something that you could do! I’m sure you’ve probably heard of this but I’m going to dwell deeper into the concept


Or High Intensity Interval Training

This is for me the holy grail of “cardio”, let me explain.

When you are jogging for 30 minutes you will be doing aerobic exercise which basically means that your body can handle these types of workouts for a longer period of time, now when you are sprinting for 100 yards with little to no rest time you are doing anaerobic exercise which means that your body is in a big amount of stress and cannot regulate everything immediately so it goes on “turbo mode”.

The benefit of being in that turbo mode is that your body is burning WAY more calories in less time and consuming them even after you finished working out for at least 12 hours!

Anifjee benefit is that you don’t have to be working out for 45 minutes, instead you can do it for 25 and have even more results than from jogging for 45! Sounds great right? There’s just a little problem


It’s going to kick your ass for the first 2 weeks if you do it properly since your body is not ready for this change of pace and that’s good!

It’s going to suck and you won’t be able to breathe but the results are well worth all of the work!

A good example of a HIIT workout could be this:

Every exercise must be done for 30 seconds with 20 seconds of rest in between each one and 1 minute rest between each circuit.

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Pushups
  • V-ups
  • Tuck jumps
  • High knees
  • Pushups
  • Burpees

Repeat all that for at least 3x and you are done!

Doesn’t look that hard right? I assure you that it is! Take some time out of your day and test yourself!

Another thing you have to know is that for safety reasons it’s best if you don’t pass the 3 workout sessions of HIIT per week.

In conclusion, if you are looking to shed fat without the boring treadmill jogs then this is a must for you!

Much love!

