Do You Have What It Takes to Lose Weight?

Pete Weintraub
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2018

One of the biggest obstacles on your weight loss journey is how you proceed with it once the euphoria wears off…

When we start making positive changes, we feel excited!

Motivation is no issue. We’re planning out our meals, our sleep, our snacks, and our workouts. We’re doing everything we need to do, and the process is easy-peasy.

But then, as quickly as that motivation waxed, it wanes…

We get tired of planning out our food. We’d rather sit on the couch and watch Netflix than exercise.

All we want is some beer and some Chinese takeout…

This isn’t to say that you can’t have those days once in a while!

Fact is, you intend to be perfect 24/7/365, you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment.

To err is to be human, and even when we know exactly what we need to do to succeed, there will be days where we give in to the ‘fuck it!’ mentality, and do the exact opposite of what’s in our best interest.

There is a very simple litmus test you can use to determine whether or not you have what it takes to lose weight and keep it off:

Ask yourself the following question: ‘Do I get back on the horse right after I fall off?’

It doesn’t matter if you’ve fallen off for perfectly valid reasons (I.e. a death in the family, you lost your job, etc.), or you’re just having ‘one of those days…’

If you get knocked down and then get up again, there’s a very good chance that you’re going to succeed!

If you tend to let life’s circumstances derail you for extended periods of time, then I’m going to venture to guess that you don’t currently have the intestinal fortitude to reach your goals.

Not trying to be a dick — It’s just the truth!

Life has and always will throw you curveballs. Your mood and your attitude can and will change drastically from one day to the next.

What separates the winners from the losers in this game called life is whether or not you do what you need to do significantly more often than when you choose to fuck off!

The 80/20 Rule gets thrown around a lot these days to support this very dogma…

In fact, 80/20 is the first phase of nutrition I have my clients start in when they begin to make nutritional changes!

Again, I’ll be honest with you: There are going to be days that you’re going to want to throw in the towel. There are going to be days that you don’t want to show up…

I’m as guilty of this as you may be!

That being said, if you really want this, then you’re going to have to show up a hell of a lot more than you don’t on those days where your desire is questionable at best!

Talk tomorrow.

Pete Weintraub

P.S. If you’re interested in downloading my FREE report that details the five strategies I personally used to lose 100 lbs and keep them off, please go to



Pete Weintraub
Fit Yourself Club

Founder and Permanent Weight Loss Specialist at Weight Loss by Pete (formerly Fitness Retriever). Healthy Living Activist. Contributor to the Huffington Post.