Healthy AND Indulgent, That’s Our Motto

La Mesita
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2016

With almost three weeks into 2016, I’m sure that you, like us, are trying to be healthier and happier this new year. While we at La Mesita believe in fresh, healthy, handmade food, that doesn’t mean we believe in foregoing the simple pleasures of life. That’s why we created Daily Indulgence.

Simply put, Daily Indulgence is our way of sharing a balanced life with you — equal parts health nut and devourer of decadence. On this blog, you’ll explore our thoughts on how to find, cook and eat wholesome, healthy food. But we’ll also share the things we love and the things we just can’t resist.

To start, we want to offer up one of our favorite food sites: The Kitchn. (We also love their companion site,Apartment Therapy, but we’ll write about that in a later post.) Here’s three reasons why it’s something we can’t resist:

  1. It demystifies cooking. I don’t know about you, but when I see a laundry list of ingredients, something in my seizes up. Yet I never find that happening when I read through the recipes on this site. Instead, I feel comfortable launching into a new recipe for lunch because I know the people on the other end are going to make me feel like I can get this done.
  2. It changes with the seasons. You can always use the site’s search function if you wan to grill in winter, but the stories and posts featured on the site are definitely seasonal. Right now, they’re featuring grains, citrus and ingredients from your dry pantry. No pasta primavera — at least not until spring.
  3. It’s fun and lighthearted. Nothing about this site is pretentious. No scathing reviews. No turned up noses. Don’t believe me, just look at their logo. Could you get any more playful and cheery than that?

If we had to add a fourth reason why we love this site so much, I suppose it’s because it’s everything we want to be. That said, we encourage you to check out The Kitchn and compare them with us. Are we on par, or are we off the mark? We’ll be relying on your to let us know.

