How Much Water Should You Drink to Lose Weight?

Pete Weintraub
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2018

Are you one of those people who’s worried about how much water you drink?

Have you heard that you need to carry a giant jug or a huge bottle of the stuff around with you all day long? Did you also hear that you have to sip on said jug or bottle constantly throughout the day in order to stay hydrated and to keep that fat burning?

Well, I have something to tell you, young padawan…

That’s a load of garbage!

Don’t get me wrong: Drinking water is NOT a bad thing!!

Water helps to hydrate you. It helps to flush out toxins and environmental pollutants that get into your body day in and day out.

That being said, this eight glasses of water a day thing is just plain nonsense!

You want to know how you know if you’re drinking too little water? Two ways:

1) The Piss Test.

Is your urine clear, or lightly yellow when you go to the bathroom? If so, you’re fine!!

If your urine is dark yellow, or even brown looking, then it’s time you have some high quality H20, my friend!

Like with calorie requirements, macronutrient ratios, and all that advanced gobbledegook that fitness gurus try to sell you on when you’re buying their completely unpersonalized program(s), the science is increasingly showing us that everybody is different…

This means that what your body needs may be completely different than what a person of the same gender, height, weight, and age may need!

There is certainly a genetic component to how much water, food, etc. your body needs. There’s also the element of how you live your life…

Everyone eats different foods in different amounts at different times of day. Some move more. Some move less. Some sleep better. Some sleep like garbage.

All of these aspects of health are important when considering how much or how little of something is right for you.

Water is no exception. This brings me to the second way you should consider if you’re consuming enough water on a daily basis:

2. Are You Thirsty?

I know — It’s probably the craziest thing you’ve ever heard me say! But we all have a mind-body connection that seems to have a pretty good feel for this type of thing.

If you feel the need to wet your whistle, then it’s probably best you type a swig or two of H2O! If you feel satisfied, then you probably are — Unless The Piss Test indicates otherwise.

Also, please don’t OVER-Hydrate before physical activity!

Ever go on a run or play a sport when there’s a ton of water sloshing around your stomach? Because that’s not nauseating or anything :-p

Until tomorrow you maverick renegade!

Pete Weintraub

P.S. If you liked this message, and you’re interested in downloading my FREE report, please go to It details the five strategies I personally used to lose 100 lbs and keep them off :-)



Pete Weintraub
Fit Yourself Club

Founder and Permanent Weight Loss Specialist at Weight Loss by Pete (formerly Fitness Retriever). Healthy Living Activist. Contributor to the Huffington Post.