Kris McLaughlin
2 min readJan 24, 2016

I am in my late 50’s. Not sure how I got here. It all happened way too fast and failed to pay attention to all the things I should have been attending to, like saving money and getting healthy.

Of course I saw my children growing taller and graduating from high school and then college and still I believed I was, well, maybe 35. Yes, I was getting creakier as I got out of bed in the morning, that was surely a sign as well as being called “ma’am” at the grocery store. But hey, 58 is the new 40 right?

No, it’s not. Fifty-eight means that I carry all my extra weight in my belly and my neck certainly doesn’t look like it belongs under my chin. You know when you see your dog/cat or whatever looking cute, the iphone comes out and the camera icon is pressed and, OH MY GOD, the camera is pointed at YOU! Who the hell is that old wrinkly person with the crazy saggy neck?

Now, I do know that age is just a number and attitude is everything but it’s hard to face it in the cold light of day. I am making fun of myself because if I don’t, I will cry and when I cry these days, my eyes stay puffy for 24 hours, and I can’t risk that. Another advantage in my favor is that I teach 5th graders. Spending almost 7 hours a day with 10 and 11 year old kids helps me to see the world through their eyes, which is pretty weird at times, but they make me laugh and laughter is what will keep me young.

Things are going to change here and now. I can do nothing about my saggy neck unless I save up all my pennies from my very lucrative teaching career and I’m fairly certain that won’t happen. But, I am going to start a Whole 30 on February 1 and eat only fresh, healthy, non-processed foods for 30 days. I did this before, three years ago and why did I give it up? Who knows why humans do what they do, but not now. I am running out of time to turn this train around. I bought myself a new yoga mat in a beautiful blue and I am going to take that beautiful blue yoga mat to the studio and stretch my old bones at least three times a week.

Not gonna lie, I am having trouble with motivation and I know that if some doctor told me I was going to die or become bedridden if I don’t do something now…then of course, I would do it. So, I am leaving that middle man doctor out of the picture and getting it done on my own…NOW.

I will keep you posted….Namaste