My Inner Child Had a Butterfinger for Breakfast; It Was Amazing

Oakley Bentley
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
1 min readOct 7, 2016

The moment I unwrapped that candy bar, I felt like I was about to do something I wasn’t supposed to be doing.
This isn’t breakfast food.

1.) So, what… who cares?
2.) Who said?

As a kid, I thought one of the perks of being an adult was to be able to do whatever I wanted.

That didn’t fully pan out as I expected. But somewhere in there, I also seemed to lose that connection to those simple whims. I definitely have not been taking advantages of the “privileges” I thought came with being adult. You know… the ones who made all the rules.

I washed the candy bar down with a fresh cup of black coffee. That never would have happened as a kid.

Of course, now I have adult worries about nutrition, health, and blah, blah, blah, but briefly connecting with my inner child this morning set a great tone for the day.



Oakley Bentley
Fit Yourself Club

East coast transplant living in SoCal who doesn’t write nearly as often as she should.