Joan McGrath
2 min readJan 16, 2016

It’s 8:57 am

Mentally preparing myself for this day. The humidity in my home is bareable and I could use my Green Tea Ginger Ale right about now. I need to relax that where yoga comes in the stretches bend my body so I don’t break.

We need to take care of ourselves, how many times have you heard that? Eat right. Live right. You know the deal. Are they wrong? No, not at all. If we learn to manage our lifestyle. Our way of living. We would find ourselves happier, energetic, and most of all healthier.

Society has influenced us all to have our eyes linked to our phones and computer screens. Just like you are right now. We are less communicative. I am guilty of that as well. But once you make a disconnect from your device, communication becomes a lot more stronger.

Naturally, especially us New Yorkers, we are always on “go mode”. So much to do, so little time. Reality tells us that not the case. Time will always be here for us. We need to make sure we make the time for our families, friendships, relationships, and most importantly ourselves.

Self care is important.

What are you eating now at this very second? A bag of chips, toast, or nothing at all. Start to see what your needs are for your body. Then start to consume the fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and beverages that will improve your body stamina and endurance.

Fun fact: I am a certified chef so soon enough I will be writing some yummy recipes you can make at home…

Safe Mind Travels!

Joan McGrath

Food. Psychology. Travel. Saving the World. (Ms. Indecisive)