Let’s motivate each other!

Annick Luyten
2 min readFeb 2, 2016


Today I was reading in an online magazine (www.libelle.be) and I saw an appeal “That’s why you like to sport”.

I didn’t doubt at all and started writing my story and mailed the following:

“2 years ago my sport story started: after a long relationship of 3 years (and just started working) I needed a discharge valve. Some months before the break-up I started running with a goal: run 5km. At work in the afternoon I saw colleagues passing by with their sport bags and afterwards they told me that they run in the park. So a few days later, I was running in the park in Brussel: the sun was shining, birds were singing and I really enjoyed it (still do :); forgetting, enjoying, having no stress (like I already mentioned in my previous blog). That year I wanted to have another goal — running 5 km (read: 2 rounds in the park) was peanuts — 10 km in Hasselt (Dwars door Hasselt). And I succeeded, 10 km in 1h, a record time for me! It was a prove to myself and other persons that I can do it — just have faith and be a strong woman! So now 2 years further I’m still running in the park or doing competitions (Ekiden Run).

Not so long ago, I moved with my boyfriend to Hoegaarden and there I also discovered a run route of 5 km. Hiking routes are there too — and yes I also discovered them ;) Since a few weeks I joined a group to run every Wednesday, so I meet new people and keep sporty. And if the weather is bad, I do some exercises at home (squats, abs, legs…). I also enjoy hiking — it feels good to be one with the nature and just enjoy. When I walk or run (alone or in group), I relax, a moment of peace, I really love it!

In the neighbourhood there are a lot of opportunities to sport: run, fitness, Zumba, BBB. Enough challenge to keep sporty and to meet new people.”

5 minutes later I received a mail back that they wanted to call me :)

She asked questions about the aspects

  • getting to know new people;
  • having fun while sporting;
  • accepting the challenge — motivating each other;
  • a happy feeling, boost, energy after sporting

You can read my small article in Libelle (I think the one of next week :)

I’m so proud to motivate other people with my story!

