Live to 252 years old

Elderbrook Drinks
1 min readJan 31, 2016


Our David hit the big four ‘O’ last year but youth is on his side because he’s partial to a goji berry or two. And he’s not alone.

So did Li Qing Yuen, a Chinese man who according to reports by the Government of China reached the ripe old age of 252 years old. His exact age has been disputed but if the Chinese top brass are ballpark accurate, it places Li Qing Yuen as the mac daddy of longevity. He places the official old age record holder Jeanne Calmest who died at 122 firmly in the toddler category.

So how did Li live beyond his years?

Simple. A healthy lifestyle of moderate exercise, meditation and eating lots of Goji berries. They have fifteen times as much iron as spinach, as well as vitamins, calcium, zinc and been known as little ‘red diamonds’ due to their health enhancing credentials. It’s no wonder Li Qing had such as good innings.

