Master your Focus

Kene Onuorah
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2017

“Where focus goes energy flows” — Tony Robbins

The quote above packs a serious punch, especially for dreamers and entrepreneurs. Without a doubt, the successful (or unsuccessful) attainment of unwavering focus is by far one of the greatest indicators of our outcomes.

In a recent TEDx talk, Danda Pani stated: “We become good at what we practice and most of us are experts at practicing distraction.”

As someone who, admittedly, has suffered from a lack of focus, I’ve begun to take concerted efforts to master my focus. In making this a high priority, I’ve learned how instrumental MASTERING your focus is to your success in all aspects of life.

With that being said, I’m the first to admit that “focusing” is easier said than done. Every day, every hour, and every minute of our lives our focus is under attack. Think about it. While you are constantly trying to conquer your focus….other things, people, and ideas are trying to grab your attention (read: focus).

Here’s an example: Have you ever been studying for an exam and right as you get into the groove where you are 100% focused…your mom calls……or your boyfriend/girlfriend texts you….or someone walks into the room? At that moment, most of us will lose concentration and our focus suffers. When your focus suffers, your outcome suffers.

So what to do? How do we protect our FOCUS from all the vultures that come in many shapes and forms?

Below I share some tactics that I’ve learned over the years - I call these my “Focus Feeders”. These tactics have been instrumental in helping me increase my productivity and efficiency. But most importantly, they’ve helped me become a master of my FOCUS and therefore a master of my outcomes.

Kene’s Focus Feeders:

1. Clean your room

  • Do not take this literally. I’m not suggesting you go purchase a vacuum. I’m merely suggesting you begin to clear your mental space. If you have tons of ideas, to-do’s, etc., occupying your mental capacity, then it’s almost impossible to focus.
  • Do yourself a favor, clean up your mental (space) to make room for optimal focus. Here’s a few recommendations on how to do so:
  • Create a master to-do list and STOP trying to remember everything. This to-do list will be critical. By putting things on paper you can clear mental capacity.
  • Stop procrastinating and just do it! Procrastination is an enemy of focus. Face it, that one thing will remain on your mind and keep you from focusing on anything else until it’s done.
  • Practice meditation for a minimum of 3 minutes everyday. In order to focus you need clarity. Mediation allows you to be in peace with your thoughts and to begin each day with a sense of clarity.

2. Find your focus zone

  • Where is it that you seem to get the most work done? Wherever that is, it’s not by chance that you are more productive there. There is something special about that environment that allows you to hone in and GO IN. This place is your focus zone. Go there when you want to optimize your level of focus. If you don’t have one yet, that’s okay. Start with a local coffee shop or library.
  • Your focus zone can also include the music in your headphones, or certain type of clothes that keep you on point. It all matters. For instance, I’ve found that J.Cole’s Friday Night Lights mixtape is my personal focus soundtrack.

3. UNPLUG (Turn off your phone notifications)

  • I cannot speak for everyone, but my #1 focus vulture WAS my phone (notice I said ‘was’). I’ve UNPLUGGED by disabling all of my push notifications.
  • I no longer get pop up alerts when I receive a text message, or when Donald Trump yells at a reporter, or when Russell Westbrook gets a triple double. WHY? Because none of those alerts are more valuable to my success than my focus.
  • Turn off your phone notifications and now you dictate when you want to consume outside information. Put yourself in the driver’s seat; now you control your focus.

Challenge: Use today to start mastering your focus. Start with one, two, or all three of the suggestions above. These minor adjustments can make a WORLD of difference. Before long you’ll realize an increase in productivity and efficacy. In turn you will begin to master and dictate your outcomes, which is the ultimate goal.



Kene Onuorah
Fit Yourself Club

Infectiously ambitious, unreasonably motivated goal-digger…