Mindful Mantra

Devin C. Hughes
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
1 min readMar 17, 2017

This week’s mantra:

I breathe in ______________ and exhale ______________.

Mantras are incredibly useful for reinforcing positive ideas, focusing your mind and keeping you on track. Starting this week, I’d like you to create a different, positive mantra every Friday. To help you in this process, I will provide you with a mantra and you simply fill in the blanks to make it applicable to you and your life.

Repeat this mantra anytime you need a little boost. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your mind will refocus on the positive and get you up out of that slump.



Devin C. Hughes
Fit Yourself Club

Keynote Speaker | Mindfulness Maven | Happiness Muse | Author | Diversity & Inclusion Advocate | www.devinchughes.com