Mindful Meditation

That Fit Mum
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2017
My way of Mindful Meditation

Yesterday morning Whilst i boarded the metro train for gurgaon but in no time of me boarding the train my own train of thoughts took me elsewhere.Random thoughts generated just by overhearing snippets of conversation between two girls in the metro!

It could be a bit contradictory to my own meditation article that i wrote a few days back for my blog but really it left me brooding over the fact that who really sits and meditates in the corner of the house these days albeit no offense to those of us who do because if you can do it this way well and good as this is just a way to give yourself some i me myself happy, relaxing and rejuvenating time but there are people who have their own ways to relax and rejuvenate themselves without sitting in the corner for meditation!

Meditation is kinda soul detoxification or a soul spa i believe.. and the best part is you can give yourself a soul spa on your own!

Whatever you really enjoy doing do that..have you ever considered doing what you love as a meditation?!?

Doing what we love to do with a mindful awareness can be a great place to begin the practice of meditation because its not about what we are doing its about the quality of the thingy that we are doing without letting our attention fade off!!

Hence, what i discovered and can truely relate to as well is that meditation is beyond what we think it is.

Conventionally speaking, meditation is emptying your mind and getting into a Rasasvada mode i.e when you have a taste and feeling of bliss in the absence of all the thoughts.. but is it really possible for a human brain to have no thoughts especially in this fast paced life?!?!?

Knowing or unknowingly we all meditate in our own amazing ways..which is contradictory to conventional meditation practice but as benefiting as it was.. which is called MINDFUL MEDITATION.

For me mindful meditation is doing what you love the most with full concentration,love and attention.

Putting your heart and soul in your passion, your penchant, your hobby is nothing but meditation..

Like a painter who paints with his hands but his heart is painting too, for some who runs a marathon then reaching that finish line and doing that extra lap of happiness is blissful and like a yogini who is into those asanas which are difficult for her but she still tries with all her heart and soul because she knows that she loves doing it and blimey! She could do that asana and that blissful feeling is nothing but meditation to her!

Like for someone just sitting and gazing at the wall space is meditation..isn’t it so amazing!?!?

Our feat of reaching our goals and the feeling that we get out of it is meditation.

Now this brings me to my fave word MERAKI

What’s Meraki?

Meraki, a verb, or adverb, a Modern Greek word, derived from the Turkish “Merak” (Labor of love, to do something with pleasure), is applied to tasks, usually, creative or artistic tasks, but can be applied to any task at all.

It means to do something with passion, with absolute devotion, with undivided attention.

No matter how difficult a task is, it is done with all your effort, with enthusiasm, with eagerness, with complete love; it is done with all your heart, a labour of love, so to speak,

Meraki is to put your soul into something, to put a little bit of yourself into it, be it singing, dancing, or painting and all that jazz.

It can be the simplest of tasks, such as making a cup of coffee for your husband; you made it with love, with devotion, with meraki!

For an example, a friend of mine loves singing and humming all the time albeit she is not a very adroit singer with a silvery voice but we still love the way she sings.. why!?!?

Because she sings with meraki..

Someone who loves life, lives it to the hilt, does everything with zeal, someone who lives for the moment, for the now, is often, in Greece referred to as a “Meraklis”.

Every single thing he does, day in, day out, is done with meraki.

According to the artist Vincent Van Gough, doing something with all your being, with passion, putting all your heart and soul into your work, may result in madness but hell ya! Its his way of giving a soul spa and meditation!

Meraki is another word for an english word Ardour which means to do something with great passion, with enthusiasm, with a strong feeling of energy and eagerness, to do something with love.

Listening to music, dancing in the rain, writing a blog, writing a diary, cooking, singing, a long and happy telephonic conversation with a dear friend or with your significant other, going for a long run,playing with your lil furry pug, having a cuppa of coffee whilst reading a book, sitting aimlessly next to a window of your house, beachbumming, gazing stars, spending quality time with your kids, going out for shopping, doing a labour of love i.e doing something for someone’s happiness, watching a movie that you love the most, hula hooping, taking a walk on a boulevard..all of this is mindful meditation only as its giving you that happiness relaxation rejuvenation and that immense pleasure as well!

Talking about me, for me yogaing as well as the immense pleasure of getting into an asana which gives me that high is my way of mindful meditation (sharing a pic of me striking a headstand variation)

So, In a nutshell,

My own conclusion is,

“MERAKI and ARDOUR comes under an umbrella word MINDFUL MEDITATION”

Dont just meditate..but mindfully Meditate!

“Love what you do and do what you love and whilst doing it all inhale goodshit and exhale bullshit”






Originally published at thatfitmum.com on April 15, 2017.



That Fit Mum
Fit Yourself Club

Reebok fitness trainer, yogini, mom of 2, hulahooper, fitness n lifestyle blogger at http://thatfitmum.com/ and learning a lot more on d go whilst inspiring u