Fit Yourself Club
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2018
Image Credit: AZ Quotes via Google

Our political and social climate is wearing me down. Every day more insanity, more lies, more outrageousness. And, it’s not limited to the White House. That is the frightening part. So many in our government have shown themselves to be disingenuous and deceitful. I want to feel energized to fight back but instead am overwhelmed with despair.

Above is one of my favorite social change quotes, but I, unfortunately, no longer believe it is true. We are moving in reverse and at a rapid speed. Nearly every week another piece of progress fashioned during the Obama years, or even before, is smashed, shattered, and destroyed. I fear that, during what is left of my lifetime, we will not be able to return even to where we were last year. A change of president and a new majority in Congress won’t reverse the damage done to the Supreme Court. Social progress could be impeded by the Court for a decade or more.

In an effort to shake my discouragement today I went in search of inspiring and energizing songs and looked to one of my favorite singers, Andra Day. Below is a link to a music video with lyrics for her song Rise Up.

As often happens, one song leads to another, leading me to search out Sam Cooke’s A Change is Gonna Come and have also included that below.

This songs helped me — at least until the next Breaking News report. I hope they help you as well.



Fit Yourself Club

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.