My Juice Fast adventure

Matthew Ardeljan
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2016

I did a 3 day juice fast/cleanse last week and it was fantastic. I can’t recommend it enough.

My learnings.

Just do it

I had been thinking about doing it for a while. One morning I woke up, didn’t have breakfast, walked into a juice shop and said “I want to do a fast, starting today”. All of a sudden I was off. It is one of the best “spur of the moment” decisions I’ve ever made.

Reduce friction

I purchased the juices to stop my lazy bone procrastinating. This can be prohibitively expensive for some but for me this was a case of 💲 spent for an experience. An experience that is already changing my habits, changing my understanding of my nutrition needs and overall health.

(How expensive was it? It cost me $198 for the 3 days through pressed juices)

Choose your own adventure

I cheated, a little. For me the juice is about removing toxins, removing the bloated feeling I had and increasing mental clarity. To that end I added little extras along the way that I knew wouldn’t ruin the result and would enhance my experience.

How did I cheat? Over 3 days I had: 4 green teas and 4 handfuls of salted cashews. IMO not cheating, the green tea in particular removed my caffeine withdrawal headaches that otherwise would have made the experience horrible.

Enjoy the conversations

Some people said “3 days! Wow!”. Others were less impressed. Either way enjoy the conversations that flow from this. I visited family 2 of the nights and my fast turned out to be a great starter for personal health conversations and jokes like “have some wine, it’s just grape juice!”.

Pay attention

A few things that I noticed.

Certain digestive reactions for me were surprising both during and then after going back to “normal” food. It almost wants to make me juice the majority of the time.

The mental clarity I had was amazing towards the end of the third day an into the fourth. Another driver for me wanting to do this on a more permanent basis.

The juices varied between being heavier on fruit or vegetables. Understanding how I felt after each helped me understand what my body needed to feel satisfied or give me an energy boost.

Day 3

It was the hardest day. This was mainly me trying to avoid having that fourth green tea. IMO if I continued it would have improved into day 4.

Have you completed a juice fast?

I’d love to hear about your learnings, let’s chat in the comments!

Disclaimer: I work with computers so don’t take health advice from me. Also I’ve juiced on and off alongside other food for years so had a good gauge as to how my body would react.

