My Shakeo Saved Me!

Stephanie Talty
1 min readJan 26, 2016


The Muse concert was amazing last night! Getting to bed by 1am? Not so amazing! Typically I shoot to get 7–8 hours of sleep, so 5 1/2 hours of sleep called for a not so fun start to the day! I had to get to work early so I couldn’t make it to my gym class this morning. The beginning of my morning started great, but I slowly got tired! Lunch time came and my Shakeology was on the menu!With a tsp of peanut butter and almond milk, it got blended up and I drank every single drop. Within 30 minutes, I slowly started feeling more energized, focused, and ready to tackle the rest of the day. Earlier today, I was dreading going to the gym. I never dread the gym when I go in the morning because it is over and done with! I got home, through my gym clothes on, and did an awesome leg and ab workout. Let’s just say I am ecstatic to be sitting on the couch right now relaxing! Dinner tonight is some homemade chicken soup with broccoli in it.

