My struggle with my Fitness — Day 2

Sundeep Joseph Machado
1 min readJan 18, 2016


The second day of the struggle was easier than the first day. I woke up at 5:45 am again miraculously. I was just too lazy to get out of bed and was just sitting for 10 minutes with my eyes closed.

The temptation to go back to sleep was intense. I had to sum up considerable will power and remind myself of the poem by Robert Frost, which always inspires me.

I played PES 2016 for an hour and reached the park at 7am. My friend was waiting for me there and we started jogging. I jogged for 6 rounds, an increase of 50 % from last time, which is an achievement.

My body is getting used to this awesome regime and someday it will become a habit and things will happen effortlessly.

So activities done today:

  • Jogging for 6 rounds
  • 15 Pulls ups ( A first)
  • 64 Push ups (in total sets)
  • 15 Hanging Knee Tucks

I am looking forward for Day 3.

