Natural Weight-Loss Tips to Help You Hit Your Goals Safely

Helen Bradford
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
4 min readSep 3, 2019

The market today is filled with all kinds of diets for losing weight. However, even though some of them may result in weight loss, not all of them are healthy. Moreover, the results of all those strict diets are likely to perish after some time. And you don’t want that. So, the first step to natural weight loss is understanding that in order to lose weight naturally and to stick with its results, you will need time, will and effort. You should gradually make some changes to your lifestyle for the best results possible.

1. Be active

One of the crucial natural weight-loss tips is to be active and do some physical exercise. If you don’t have a habit of exercising, introduce it slowly. Choose an activity and start by practicing it for 15 minutes a day at first. When you get used to it, prolong the workout time. If you don’t have any preferences or don’t know what your preferences are, you’ll need to experiment to find the right one. Don’t be afraid to try different things, try some exercises at home, go to the gym, go cycling, take a spinning class, or try different sports such as kickboxing, swimming, handball or even a Zumba class. It’s important to find something that you enjoy since it will help you stick to your plan and achieve your goal. Remember that doing physical exercise is only a part of the healthy lifestyle puzzle and in order to get the whole picture, you need to deal with the other pieces as well.

2. Get acquainted with natural herbs

The world around us is full of natural herbs that are beneficial for us, but we are rarely familiar with those natural remedies and the effects they have upon us. In order to lose weight naturally, we can do our research on natural herbs and what each one is for. You can consider them as ‘natural weight loss supplements.’ Some of the herbs that can potentially aid weight loss (besides being a healthy option) are black pepper, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, and turmeric. The one that has had a significant role in losing weight is cayenne pepper. Some studies were done and the researchers have concluded that only a half a teaspoon increases metabolism and it burns calories when added to a meal. Spicy food generally burns some extra calories off your next meal.

3. Adapt your diet

Another key ingredient that goes hand in hand with being active is a healthy, well-balanced diet. One of the easy ways to lose weight naturally is to adapt your diet. We are all different and as different exercise regimes fit different people due to many factors such as different metabolism, the region they come from, genetics and medical history, the same goes for diet. Different diets suit different people and it will probably take some time to explore and find the right combination for you. However, there are some things that are a healthy alternative for most people.

Dietary Do’s

For example, introduce more fruit and vegetables to your everyday meals. As an adult, you should eat at least three or more portions of fresh produce a day. Not only it aids weight loss, but it also prevents you from diseases such as cancer, heart disease and softens the effects of aging. Next, add more protein to your diet. It makes you feel full and it reduces your appetite. A good example of high-protein breakfast would be eggs. Keep in mind that you should stick to whole, single-ingredient foods as they are free of added sugar, added fat and processed substances. Snack on healthy foods such as yogurt, whole fruit, nuts, carrots and celery sticks with hummus. Drinking plenty of water helps your weight loss. Contrary to the widespread opinion that coffee is bad for you, it actually has many beneficial ingredients in it. So, you shouldn’t quit drinking coffee, but you can switch to the unsweetened version of it.

Dietary Don’t’s

Liquid calories such as sugary soft drinks, fruit juices and chocolate milk are full of liquid calories, so you should definitely avoid those and choose a natural alternative instead. You should also avoid foods full of refined carbs such as white flour, white bread, white rice, sodas, pastries, snacks, sweets, pasta and breakfast cereals.

Preparing, cooking and eating healthy food takes up a lot of our time. And since our lifestyles are usually busy and hectic, we don’t have always time to prepare and cook our healthy meals. Luckily for us, modern options for ordering healthy meals home delivery are available to us worldwide, so we can be sure to eat healthy even when we are too busy and swamped with work.

4. Supply vitamins

A right balance of the vitamins is essential not only for increasing muscle tone and obtaining more energy but also for healthy weight loss. Some of the key vitamins include vitamin D, a combination of copper and zinc, magnesium and berberine. If you experience a deficiency of any of them, make them a regular part of your diet.

Losing weight naturally and sticking to the desired outcomes is not an easy task. It requires a lot of time, dedication and some sacrifice as well. But once you find a perfect combination of exercise and diet that works for you, you’ll be over the moon with the results and health benefits stemming from it.

