Not Eating Enough Fruit Kills 4.9 Million People Per Year!

Cheyne Goulden
8 min readFeb 2, 2016


This blog is written by Health Researcher Cheyne Goulden and is sourced largely from an article written by Michael Greger M.D. on February 2nd, 2016 called “The #1 Dietary Risk Factor is Not Eating Enough Fruit.”

I was very excited to see Michael Greger’s article come out this morning. His article starts with the big finding..

“The Global Burden of Disease Study published in 2012, is the most comprehensive and systematic analysis of causes of death undertaken to date, involving nearly 500 researchers from more than 300 institutions in 50 countries, and starting with almost 100,000 data sources. What did the researchers find? Here in the U.S., they determined that our biggest killer was our diet. Number 1 on their list of the most important dietary risks was not eating enough fruit, responsible for an estimated 4.9 million deaths a year around the world.”

Wowww! This is huge. 4.9 million people are dying each year because they are not eating enough fruit! This is a shocking breakthrough finding.

I am a detoxification specialist having trained under Dr Robert Morse ND who has worked with over 100,000 people over the last 40+ years helping them to find their way to radiant health when they had lost it. A large part of my approach is waking people up to the power of eating fruits, berries, melons all day with a salad in the evening. This fruit based diet has been the core of my approach and the foundation of all of Dr Morse’s work. We add some herbs on top of that to assist specific weaknesses that some people have with the kidneys, adrenals, and lymphatic system. Some people who are more advanaced have eaten mono fruit based diets such as dark red grapes for an extended period of time.

So it is absolutely no suprise to me when I read the article published by Michael Greger MD. This is so obvious to me with the training that I have been through but it is great to finally have the proof.

Dr Greger goes on to say “According to the Union of Concerned Scientists: “If Americans ate just one more serving of fruits or vegetables per day, this would save more than 30,000 lives and $5 billion in medical costs each year.” One antidote for individuals is easy, painless, and even pleasurable: exploit the multiple nutritional and protective benefits of fruits and vegetables.”

Dr Greger then aims to try to understand how it is that fruits are so effective but misses the main point that I mentioned above..

“One way plants protect us may be their antiplatelet effects. Platelets are what trigger the blood clots that cause heart attacks and most strokes. And beyond their obvious function in blood clotting, platelets are now considered to play a pivotal inflammatory role in the hardening of the arteries in the first place, and in allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, and even cancer.”

With great respect for Dr Greger because I really admire all his work and his amazing contribution to the vegan health movement my critique is that he is stuck in the medical thinking that all of our issues are in the blood. This is why he is focusing in on platelets. However the problem is not in the blood it is in the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is the great sewer system of the body and the system that removes the acid wastes. Its where all the acidosis starts, where the inflammation is then triggered and then where the cancers tend to be and where all the problems start. The blood is the kitchen of the body delivering the food to the cells via the blood and the lymph is the toilet that takes those wastes out of the body. If your toilet backs up and is overflowing in your house then all the focus must be on unbloking the toilet, sewer pipes, septic tank to allow the wastes to be removed out of the body. The kitchen is not even relevant at that point. So why are we all so focused on the blood?

Here is why not eating enough fruit is killing so many people and the the #1 dietary factor linked to death.

In my indepth studies with Dr Morse over the last 5 years he taught me and thousands of others, that the cause of all disease is that people become very acidic, a situation known as ‘interstitial acidocis’. This occurs because your body at some point has a weakness in its acid elimination system, which is the lymphatic system. These acids accumulate in the body and they build up all through the body and in the fluids surrounding all the cells in your body.

Think of the cells like fish in a fish tank and then think of the water becoming very acidic and you will get an image of what is going on with your cells. This is acidocis. Acidosis causes your cells to burn. When cells burn the body then initiates inflammation as an immune response.

We know that everyone who has any dissease of any kind also has inflammation. This is because anyone who has any disease has acidocis. When you burn cells they get inFLAMEd very shortly thereafter. All diseases as Dr Morse explains is simply acidocis and the different symptoms that come because of the burning of cells.

Cancer is just cells that have been burnt from acids and mutated their DNA. Heart Disease is just a body that is full of acidosis which has now created a lot of cholesterol to coat the arteries of the heart to protect its most vital organ from acids. Osteoporosis is just a body that is very acidic that has stolen all of its calcium from the bones and connective tissues to put out the fire of acidosis. Calcium is the bodies most alkaline mineral so its a great fire fighter. When we look at all ‘diseases’ through the lens of acidocis things become much more simple. The question becomes how can I remove these acids from my body and that opens up the potential for a whole new conversation.

Now here is where fruits come in and why they work so well. Fruits clean those acids out of the body. They help get the lymphatic system moving. The lymph system is the system that should be removing these acids out of the body in the urine via the kidneys. There are many reasons why fruits are so good at removing the acidosis such as that they are full of astringent qualities, flavonoids, high water content helps carry the acids out, they have an alkalising effect on the cells of the body, neutralising the acids and the list goes on and on. The point is no other food works better than fruits for removing the acidocis and getting the body to start eliminating its acids effectively. Once you are elimating acids you stop accumulating them.

To learn more about this approach watch my video here The Morse Method of Detoxification Overview & My Personal Experience & Summary.

The next part of the article goes off on a tangent trying to understand why fruits might be so helpful, focusing on how fruit may assist the blood platelets and how fruits may contain apsirin which may help and misses the real action of how fruits clean the lymphatic system and remove acids. Its a wild goose chase from here on in. Whilst I am sure fruits help the platelets and all the things Dr Greger is saying are true in a way its missing the biggest picture of all. Fruits clean the lymph. Fruits remove the acids. Fruis remove the cause of all disease! Yes they do other stuff but its not the big picture.

“Normally, under healthy conditions, platelets circulate in a quiescent, inactive state. But once they become activated, they can emerge as culprits in inflammation. Platelets transport a vast amount of inflammatory chemicals, and upon activation they release these chemicals, which can recruit the inflammatory cells that form the pus pockets within our arterial walls that can eventually burst and kill us.”

This involvement of platelet activation in atherosclerosis development is well established. We’ve long recognized the platelets’ role in the final stages; however, a growing body of data indicates that platelets may also play an important role in the initiation and propagation of atherosclerosis in the first place. How can we prevent the excessive activation of platelets? It’s generally recognized that platelet hyper-reactivity is associated with high levels of cholesterol circulating in the blood; so we can cut down on foods that have trans fats, saturated fats, and dietary cholesterol.

“We can also eat more fruits and vegetables. For example, different varieties of strawberries have shown a significant antiplatelet effect in a petri dish and in people. How did researchers figure it out? In my video, Inhibiting Platelet Aggregation with Berries, you can see a platelet in a resting state, packed with little round granule grenades of inflammatory chemicals, which fuse together and are released when the platelet gets activated. Because resting and activated platelets look so different, we can just take blood from people and count how many are resting and how many are activated before and after people eat more than a pint of strawberries every day for a month. From just adding strawberries to people’s diets, there’s a small but significant drop in the percentage of activated platelets circulating throughout their bodies.”

“Other berries had a similar effect, even at a more modest two servings a day. Drinking orange or grapefruit juice doesn’t seem to help, but purple grape juice successfully reduces platelet activity on the same order that aspirin does.”

“Studies have shown that daily aspirin can reduce heart attacks and strokes; however, aspirin can also cause severe gastrointestinal disturbances and bleeding problems, and so should not be used for the primary prevention of heart attacks and stroke as the benefits don’t clearly outweigh the serious risks. It’s nice to have safe, side-effect free alternatives.”

“One of the ways plants help keep platelets in their place may actually be their aspirin content! See Aspirin Levels in Plant Foods. Why would a plant make a human drug? It’s so cool, check out Appropriating Plant Defenses.”

“Is the Standard American Diet really so bad that we could save 100,000 people by just getting up to minimum fruit and veggie recommendations? Even cynics might be surprised: Nation’s Diet in Crisis. Even more plants may cut deaths even more, though. See One in a Thousand: Ending the Heart Disease Epidemic.”

“For more on lowering cholesterol see my video Trans Fat, Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol: Tolerable Upper Intake of Zero. And it’s never too early to start eating healthier. Check out: Heart Disease Starts in Childhood. Heart disease may be a choice. See: Cavities and Coronaries: Our Choice.”

“Berries are the healthiest fruits, shown to maintain our brain power (How to Slow Brain Aging By Two Years) and improve our immune function (Boosting Natural Killer Cell Activity). That’s one of the reasons we want to eat Antioxidant Rich Foods With Every Meal.”

Written by: Cheyne Goulden Tuesday 2/2/2016


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Cheyne Goulden

Cheyne Goulden is a health researcher, coach & certified Level 2 Detoxification Specialist, studying at the International School of Detoxification in Florida.