2 min readJan 24, 2016

Phasing out the meat, but does it ruin the feast?

One of my clients is a power lifter and possesses incredible strength and with my help has improved her fitness and agility next to none. She cycles everywhere studies works and comes to train with me twice a week. She fuels all of this on a Vegan diet😳

I know what you’re thinking.. How? I mean veganism is just sticks and grass right? Not even vegetarianism that’s semi doable but you can’t even eat dairy?? What does this mean???

Wrong! After asking all of those questions I set about doing some research so that I could learn exactly how one could survive on such minimalist quantum’s of food. I learnt that there’s a lot more to Veganism that meets the mouth..

The meat we eat proportionally often has less raw beneficial protein than we imagine and our bodies can’t actually assimilate large amounts of protein.

I am not saying we don’t need any, we do its a vital food group. However the best sources of protein have become extremely confused. Especially in my world (the fitness industry). You can gain more protein from soya beans, tofu and bean curd than a slab of beef.

Yes from an evolutionary perspective it’s impossible to imagine the average Neanderthal hunting vigorously for soya beans however that doesn’t mean that if it was as accessible as chicken he wouldn’t gain from the soya as much as he did from the chicken.

We must also take into account that it’s near enough impossible in most societies to source a completely untouched unpumped and unmodified chicken, all of which dilute the natural benefits of the clucking protein source. So if we are using the Neanderthal argument can we even relate to him on a bodily level? No

I haven’t eaten red meat in 2 months and not missing it white meat is also being phased out and I’m shocked to say I think that’ll soon be a thing of the past too!

Sunday lunch at a disgruntled friends' earlier, disgusted at my recent conversion, I’ve never felt better!

I’ll soon be doing a Vegan challenge for updates on this follow my Instagram @mayasaffronhan


📍Personal trainer 📍Soft tissue therapist Passion for health and fitness 💪🏽 Bigger passion for happiness and learning ✌🏽️ Enjoy my tales London🌎