Qualities of a Good Leader…

Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2018


A good leader holds many attributes. He/She takes an in-depth view of situations and come out with an appropriate futuristic vision. A good leader has the quality of turning the ideas into reality. Though there are many qualities which a leader must possess, some of them are as

A good leader has Risk taking capacity.

A good leader is never afraid of taking risks. He/She never hesitates in taking a chance when the circumstances demand. Despite the fear oriented from the threat, a good leader keeps going forward. Regardless of knowing all the consequences associated with the risk, he never stops taking risks. A good leader takes a calculative risk. He/She always have a Plan B for every situation. He proactively prepares himself for all the consequences associated with the threat.

A good leader Adapts to changes.

A good leader must be adaptable to the circumstances at the workplace. There may come changes regarding policies, technologies or people. A good leader is the one who comes out of the comfort zone and adapts the changes. He/She should see these changes as an opportunity to grow, to improve rather than considering it an obstacle in their path. The leader is the one who brings changes to the workplace and also makes others adaptable to these changes.

A good leader knows how to manage Success.

Managing success is an essential quality a leader must have. He/She must deal firmly with the progress. Instead of limiting himself with the achievement, a leader sees it as a motivation to do more, to perform much better.

A good leader knows how to deal with Failure.

A good leader never loses hope and keeps trying at the time of failure. He/She never consider failure as a barrier to the pathway of success, instead sees it as an opportunity to bounce back again with a different mindset and a different approach towards work. He/She takes the full responsibility at the time of failure, instead of pressuring the team for the breakdown.

A good leader maintains Synergy.

Leaders always maintain synergy. It’s the responsibility of a leader to make an environment of safety, trust, and work together as a team. He/She must create a vision of an ideal organization working together to accomplish set goals. He must make others understand that synergistic works produce results better than the one done without synergy.

A good leader is always Proactive.

Leaders must work proactively instead of being reactive to the problem. A good leader should always be proactive and think for the long term and in a broad sense. They plan and have a solution for every problem. Proactive leaders never give a quick response or go to a conclusion without considering all the parameter. These leaders think out of the box, goes beyond imagination and find all the consequences of action or inaction.

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Fit Yourself Club

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