Spend Now, Save Later

Sidharth Rath
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2017

“It is never too early to invest in yourself. But it can be too late.”

“It is never too early to start saving.” I disagree and would like to offer something different: Why aren’t you spending now?

Invest in yourself. That’s the takeaway.

Investing in yourself is a strategy filled with holes and flaws, I make impulsive purchases and have looked back to notice that I never really used that particular service I paid for.

I haven’t trained with that app, or downloaded any books with that ebook subscription plan, or made any use of the online course I bought on sale about learning to play the violin — which I never did. Heck, I haven’t downloaded a single new song in more than a month on my streaming service!

However, should that be something to hold you back?
Investing in yourself has its benefits — it is about trying new things and learning, every day. It’s about making every day, day one.

Photo by Matthew Sleeper on Unsplash

It’s the perfect diet, for your brain.

You may not choose to follow that diet every day, just like we slack off on our food diet plans or don’t go running every day like we had intended to. That’s fixable. Using that excuse to not invest in learning, and developing yourself is not!

I’m not trying to encourage you to spend more on countless services across the world of apps — I’m pushing you to learn more, every day.

Recounting the cliche (perhaps, one that rings true) —

“It’s not the big things you do once in a while that makes you great, it’s the little things that you do every single day.”

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

If you like something or find something of deep value, and it costs two cups of coffee a month — go for it. If you can’t afford it — the free tier is most often an incredible store of value as well. I don’t pay for every tool I use or service I explore, sometimes I find a sense of purpose in its mission or seek more value and invest.

The goal for us is to explore that world of tools and services built for us to become better, feel better, think better, and explore our inner selves.

So, indulge in books, sink into long reads, think deeply, feel alike. These are things I derive joy, and fulfilment from. Maybe, soulful music works for you, or perhaps mindfulness — for the sake of it. Or is it the pull of strings or the touch of a brush on paper that makes you feel lively?

Photo by Jad Limcaco on Unsplash

Your imagination is your canvas, your senses — the toolkit. Find your world.

Push, gently perhaps, but push.

And in case you’ve got sixty seconds, here’s something to get you started:

Respond to this story, and we’ll have a conversation! 📩

