Start Your Next Year’s Goals, This Year.

Malik Taylor
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2017

Closing in on the last quarter of the year, this is the perfect time for people to get themselves ready for the holidays and the new year. After all the eggnog, apple pie, and turkey, you think to yourself about habits that need to change in your life for the better, starting with your diet. Here’s a way for a more natural transition into making the things you want to achieve come to fruition.

Don’t Go Cold Turkey.

Going cold turkey is something that historically is amusing to see. New years eve comes, and gyms have amazing deals to sign up, now the gym looks like the mall on Christmas Eve. For the gym, it’s better to prepare earlier in the year, so when the time comes, you have a higher confidence level taking on this new journey.

“Preparation prevents piss poor performance.”

If you want to start the gym in the new year here’s a solid plan to be ready for the gym come January.

  1. Research gyms near your home/work.
  2. Find a reliable gym partner.
  3. Research different workout routines and understand what needs work.
  4. Find a balance between the gym, work, and personal life.
  5. Of course, shop for stylish workout attire (If you look good, you feel good).

If you’re in shape already or just don’t find the gym appeasing, you can use this same formula, but for any goal.

  1. Write down a list of goals you want to achieve.
  2. Research those goals and the people highest in those industries.
  3. Break down by the quarter on how you want to achieve them.
  4. Give yourself a head start by starting as early as possible.

Preparation and a great work ethic can compete with talent. Majority of ambitious people put in the time to perfect their craft and preparing for moments of greatness played a massive role in their success. With social media today, people see the rewards on the planning and preparation but have to understand that it took time for all of the things to click.

Sometimes you always can’t foresee the future and things come along while you’re in the process. In the worst case scenario, you can see why writing stuff down helps because now you can prioritize what can stay on your list or what can go. The strategy also comes into play because while you have things written and prepared, life throws variables and obstacles your way in the process.

Share to have people hold you accountable.

Once you complete all of your planning, find that person who you can share your goals with whether it be your significant other, best friend, relative or that mentor whose been assisting you thus far. Holding people accountable comes in handy for the days of doubt and when life discourages you.

You find excuses and can psych yourself out of achieving these goals efficiently, but having that person as a second layer of defense can be helpful to keep you on the right track.

Whatever you didn’t accomplish this year, try again.

Nobody is perfect. There’s going to be things that are attainable, and some things challenging to complete. The solution to solving that issue is never to give up. Maybe finding a new strategy, pivot your approach on said goal.

In a perfect world, everything will come to you, and all will be great. In this world, people will get things they don’t deserve, yet leave you without it, but the thing to do is to keep attempting until you get it. You always wanted that career change but didn’t get the job, then keep applying elsewhere. In the pursuit of your goals, you have to be persistent and patient, even if that means postponing your goal until the next year.

