Sustainability starts with you.

Carl Henrik Sundström
3 min readJan 17, 2016


What if I told you your personal growth will contribute in solving our world issues ?

-Climate change
-Loss of biodiversity
-Increase in pollution decreasing air quality
-Rising unemployment
-Rising health issues
-Decreasing well-being

We all deep down wish to contribute in solving such issues.

We all have experienced the beauty of a human smile and we have all experienced the earth’s astonishing beauty.

For those of you who love skiing down its breathtaking white mountains.
For those of you who surf on its spectacular blue waves.
For those of you who stare at its bright stars at night.
For those of you who lay down on its sandy beaches letting the sun gently warm your body.

I ask a very simple question.

What if I were to tell you the keys for your happiness and success are actually at the same time, the solutions needed to solve our pressing problems ?

As a matter of fact every single day we are given countless times the unique opportunity to help solve each one of these issues. What if we finally understood and felt empowered by the simple idea that we are the solution.

Now how so you may ask ?

With each dollar you spend, you shape the world in which we live in. Every single penny which leaves your wallet is a vote. Each one of them sends a clear signal to businesses. Aggregated they become consumer trends and guide decisions made at the highest level in the corporate world. It is time we inspire each other to take decisions which empower our own lives which in return improve other’s lives and the environment. We must come together and use our purchasing power in support of companies and business owners who are creating a truly better world. Our wallets combined can and will make a huge difference.

Now where do we start ?

I would suggest we start regenerating our earth’s ecosystems, local employment and societal well-being with the food we eat. The beauty is that it’s the easiest and most rewarding way to start solving climate change, health issues, loss of biodiversity etc. You wouldn’t believe the incredibly positive impact we can have on a numerous of issues if we step by step shift our eating habits.

And remember you are most importantly doing this for yourself. This is your own gain. You’ll grow greater with better food on your plate. You’re just accidentally making a positive contribution to change by living the best lifestyle possible.

“You know you got a whole world to change but understand who you got to change first.”

As much as we all agree with the above quote, it doesn’t tell us the ingredients for how each one of us can change its life. Macklemore would have never changed the world for the better if Ryan Lewis hadn’t been there to help him change as a person and as an artist. Same goes for you dear bud.

As much as self-disciplin and self-motivation is key for you to thrive, we all need that positive and uplifting support.

That is why I write united we stand stronger. Not only because our voices will be heard but because it is the initial condition for us to shift our daily behavior and decision-making. Alone it is very hard. However adressed as a game with friends who monitor and support one another, it suddenly becomes fun and easier.

I therefore commit, with much excitement, to share with you next Sunday exactly what food I have consummed and how much money I have spent! I am impatient to truthfully walk my talk.

Now how about we start walking together to a greater life and world ? ;)

’Til next time shine bright bud,
Much love

Carl Mellow

