The Biggest Myths of Healthy Eating Tips, Busted!

Peace Quarters
4 min readJan 20, 2016


In order to debunk some of the greatest clean eating myths, we first need to know what clean eating actually is. Clean eating is concerned with ingesting minimally processed food, with the assumption that this kind of diet supplies your body with optimal nutrient quality.

In other words, there are many foods out there created to be ideal for our species, but we basically ruin it by over-preparing it. However, as with any other diet out there, there are numerous myths about clean eating as well. Here are some of them.

You Need to Exclude Things

First of all, a proper, well-balanced diet will never order you to exclude anything. One of the most common diet (any diet) misconceptions is that fat is bad for you and should be avoided. However, this claim is as far from the truth as it gets. In fact, your body needs all nutrients in order to function properly and this includes fat as well. Sure, overeating, or ingesting too much fat is never a good idea, but this doesn’t mean that you should avoid it altogether.

Simply try and find a way to ration your portions in a healthy manner and there should be no problems whatsoever. One more thing, it is not only the amount of fat that matters but its origin as well. For example, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that fat from olive oil is better for your health than animal fat. Knowledge like this can make all the necessary difference in your eating habits.

Eat Lots of Protein

For building up your muscle mass and overall strengthening your organism, protein is a must. This means lean meat, dairy products and fish. However, pushing it too far even with protein can turn out to be a negative thing. Just think about it, it would be absurd to believe that every person’s body requires the same amount of protein on a daily basis.

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We have found that there are many factors that influence one’s daily protein cravings. Body weight and metabolism are among them, as well as whether one leads an active or a sedentary lifestyle. It is only after all of this data is available that any valid calculation of the right protein dosage may take place.

Image: Legion Athletics

Processed Food is Better for You!

Over the course of millennia, there is one diet myth that has for some reason always been accepted as a fact. This myth is that the human digestive system somehow better accepts processed food. This gave birth to yet another myth which claims that the more food is processed, the more it is “prepared” for human consumption. This standpoint is as inaccurate as it gets. If we were to refer to processed food, the correct term wouldn’t be prepared or optimized but ruined.

Image: Authority Nutrition

Through elaborate processing, most of the healthy nutrients in these foods are at the very least compromised by this practice. Freezing, blending and even cooking can often disturb the natural harmony within the structure of the food itself. The same goes for any other type of processing. In other words, wheat flour is most definitely not the same thing as whole wheat and when presented with a choice, one invested in clean eating should always go with the latter.

The nature of the diet you implement is irrelevant, it is the way you stick to it and the amount of knowledge that you possess about it that count the most. For instance, even the healthiest diet can turn out to be quite counterproductive if your data about it is wrong or outdated. Always be ready and willing to acquire new knowledge and this kind of curiosity will always show its positive results.


Samantha has a B.Sc. in nutrition, and has spent two years working as a personal trainer. Since then, she has embarked on a mission to conquer the blogospere. When not in the gym or on the track, you can find her on Twitter or in a tea shop.

Originally published at on January 20, 2016.

